Epic smartlink vs smartphrase. Just copy/paste into the word document.

Epic smartlink vs smartphrase To pull one in, enter a period (. Ideally, I'd like to combine the two, and have a "master" smartphrase that lets me choose "sub"-smartlises and smartphrases via a menu system. If you are not affiliated with an organization, choose UserWeb Account. GFR . pt becomes patient. The SmartLink, @NUTRITIONPN@ has been added to the standard progress note SmartText, JHM AD ADULT DAILY PROGRESS NOTE, to pull in a patient’s current diet and any dietitian documentation about a patient’s malnutrition status. Stealing Smartphrases • After selecting the phrase you would like to steal, make sure to This means if you post a smartphrase that is for a specific EPIC buildout, it is not the responsibility of the person posting to remove the software specific shortcuts (@PCP@, u/NAME@ is a u/AGE@ u/SEX@, u/DIAGXREFRESH@) etc. e. Press Spacebar to continue with the same sentence or paragraph. Click the card to flip 👆 SmartPhrase. probdiagnorefresh One way for you to see what smartlinks are available is to run a report. ) on LinkedIn. Edit existing SmartPhrases. Type the desired text. melissa_francis54. You are then going to select the SmartPhrase Manager. This list of sample macros can help you Outpatient Provider -Useful SmartLinks -Quick Start Guide Revised: 12/14/2023 2 Using SmartLinks You can use SmartLinks in any text field that contains this toolbar: To insert a SmartLink in your text (or add it to a SmartPhrase), enter a period followed by the SmartLink abbreviation. . Lets you choose for a pre-set list of choices within a SmartText or SmartPhrase. lname" followed by a space or return key, for This subreddit is for all those interested in working for the United States federal government. SmartPhrase A SmartTool that allows you to type a few characters that automatically expand into a longer phrase or block of text. Both right in hyperspace if you have the right security. Select the Common tab 3. Annual Exam 2-8 Colposcopy 9-11 Cryotherapy 12-13 Endometrial Biopsy 14-15 Implanon/Nexplanon placement 16-19 Implanon Removal 20-21 IUD placement 22-23 IUD Check 24-25 LEEP 26-29 LEEP POSTOP 30 Pap/cervical dysplasia f/u 31 Pre op for C-section 32-34 I've worked at 4 institutions with EPIC, and there is no way to do this. Find existing SmartLinks. These often accept parameters that control which test results to return, over what look-back period, how many values to show and how the returned text block is formatted. About us. gutonc No Meat, No Treat. SmartLinks often appear within SmartPhrases, but you can If a SmartPhrase or SmartList has a list of users that you want to copy: 1. . SmartLinks can be used during text generation (type ". Unformatted text preview: Page 1 of 4 How to Pull Data from Flowsheet This tip-sheet will guide you about how to pull flowsheet data into Notes: Try It Out 1. 10. Open the Epic SmartList Editor, located in the Clinical Content section of the Administrator Dashboard. The user creating the User SmartPhrase must have access (either user or owner) to the User Randi worked with a team at Epic to develop fields to discretely document sex assigned at birth, legal sex (including non-binary), gender identity, pronouns, and preferred names. SmartPhrase Tips & Tricks Use a colleagues smartphrase, or copy an existing smartphrase. You will want to steal a list of macros from your co-residents. Yeah, smarphrases/smarlinks are configured differently depending on organization need. EPIC CLN 251/252 Sample Exam. they will either have the knowledge or have the contacts to reach out to the folks here at Epic who know your system’s config. ) followed by the SmartPhrase's name (for example, ". SmartTexts often contain SmartLinks. Select a SmartPhrase or SmartList. RISIMP72H imports impressions of imaging results from the last 72 hours. The Epic EMR has a built-in functionality to use smartphrases, macros that auto-populate text, lab values, vitals, etc. Favorite smart phrases will always be at the top of the list. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Hi all, I am trying to create a Smarthphrase that pulls IV line data from the EHR. Complete any SmartLists or wildcards (***) in the SmartPhrase. Use the arrow keys to select the SmartPhrase you want to use in your note and press Space to insert it. - Double-click a SmartLink to insert it. There’s even a preview function. From SmartPhrases and SmartTexts that standardize communication to SmartLinks and SmartForms that personalize patient records, these tools empower providers to save time while maintaining thorough and Anytime you want to use that phrase or text in a note or message, just type a period and the name of your new SmartPhrase. Approved: 3/30/2018, Expires: 3/29/2020 Table 4: SmartLinks SmartLinks Description @pat_name@ Patient name @pat_age@ Patient age @pat_sex@ Patient sex @allergies@ Patient allergies @smoking_status@ Current smoking status them on the fly. Click Save to remain in the SmartPhrase or click Accept to save and close the SmartPhrase. Things like @name@, @sex@, @age@, etc to help me build my own smart phrases. C) You cannot give a SmartPhrase the same name as a SmartLink. Epic Smart Tools are designed to streamline critical workflows, reduce documentation burdens, and support clinicians in their daily tasks. Once you have that, you could add it to a personal smartphrase and add in something like @NEWMNEMONIC[HGB A1C:3]@ and save it as initialshgba1c. Reply reply The other that more end user don't know is that you can sometimes make your own custom smartlink and throw it it a by my smartphrase. You will see two tabs. Share a SmartPhrase. You also have the option to sort smart phrase by “Favorites Only” 1. Since the application process itself is often nothing short of herculean and time-consuming to boot, this place is meant to serve as a talking ground to answer questions, better improve applications, and increase one's chance of being 'Referred'. SmartLinks are text automation tokens that can be inserted into documentation (notes or templates). Note: If there is a system SmartPhrase with the same name, you will not be able to use it. Use Smartlinks that import radiographic impressions instead of full reports when copying imaging reports into notes. 85 terms. 3. There could easily be a way your Smoking Cessation Epic EHR SmartText Customer Guide Pfizer, Inc. Click on the Epic button on the top left corner. GFRCGP . Once the GI specialist has agreed to the letter templates they wish to use, the new letter templates will be loaded into each specialist's Epic SmartPhrase Manager. You can do this with the @flow()@ function, where each parameter is an ID number. The SmartLink appears in your SmartPhrase between @ • Lines: Peripheral Vs Central • Nutrition: PO Vs NPO VS tube • VTE Prophylaxis: SCD/Heparin • GI Prophylaxis: Pepcid VS PPI • Code status: [@CODESTATUS@] Case Discussed with Dr. Epic has a variety of tools that can make writing patient notes faster and easier: SmartPhrases Also known as “dot phrases,” SmartPhrases allow commonly used chunks of text to easily be inserted into patient notes or discharge instructions by typing a period (the dot) followed by a short user generated See more BLUF: Put your greatly used EPIC smart-phrases (or specific requests for) here for the sake of us all. 20 terms. • To steal a smartphrase highlight the desired phrase and select the share option located on the toolbar. Smart Phrase. The adoption of Epic SP in clinical neuro-ophthalmology has several advantages, aligning with broader observations across medical specialties [1, 2]:. SmartText or SmartPhrase. probdiag o . Just the other day I was in dragon integration training and they were telling us how marvelous it was that dragon could do macros for you to make the epic work flow less cumbersome. Note that the content of the result letter is not dictated by the study and is at the discretion of the GI specialist as part of her/his usual care. Some useful phrases include, but are not limited to, follow-up instructions with the individual clinics at MGH and the Brigham, discharge instructions, medication instructions, etc. About Quizlet; How Quizlet Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Match the SmartTools below to their functions within Epic: SmartLinks, Wild Cards, SmartTexts and more. Writing a note in this way is much faster than clicking through a chart to get to know what's going on with a patient. Basically any smartphrase or smartlink (even one you made) can be put inside @@ and nest within another defined smartphrase. • Enter User name and select go. I am wondering if there is a way to see all system @ phrases. bmi might also be suitable. The user navigates to the triple asterisks (***) by pressing “F2”. annually). highlight the text that you want to make into a smartphrase and The ProbEdited SmartLink will display the problem PLUS Overview comments for all problem list items edited or added during the encounter 3. FENsmartphrase CVSsmartphrase RESP NEURO etcetc But if I skip the RESP smartphrase for example, the final note has a huge space between CVS:xxxxx and NEURO:xxxx, so my plan looks wonky in the final note. Select a SmartPhrase or Smartlink in the list, hit Preview, and see what the text will look like for this patient, in a cute little floating window. Epic community members can learn more about respectful use of patient names at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Virginia Hospital Center from their UGM slides and audio on the UserWeb, as well as overall strategies and available EHR tools in the Preferred Names and Pronouns Strategy Handbook. My Reports and Library. I don’t know any attendings well enough to ask them to Add a SmartLink to your SmartPhrase to pull in patient-specific information 1. sdshah@uchicago. ) followed by the SmartLink’s name, as you do when using a SmartPhrase. Find lab components. As you type, a list of matching SmartPhrases and SmartLinks appears. Shah, MD. ) No te Temp l ates: NE W NO N-DI ABE T E S E NDO CRI NE CO NS ULT: be copied and pasted into Epic as a new SmartPhrase. 15 terms. Ask your support team. Do your SmartPhrases have Smart links and Smart lists as well? Heads up when you manually transfer these because these Smart Tools won't transfer if The current SmartLink dictionary from Epic is HUGE. User-defined parameter SmartLinks. Feels like 1994 having to approach an expert, wizard, genius whatever. D) All of the above. Create a SmartPhrase. If you find yourself repeatedly typing out the same words, phrases, or instructions in your visit documentation, take a few minutes to make a macro instead. Search for your organization from the list below. When specific laboratory tests are sought, these are 7. Click on Reports > then select My Reports. Thank you for your participation! * Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project them on the fly. SmartLinks can be added by typing in the dot phrase. Normally if you use . •Review flexibility •Smartlink–“dot phrase” that pulls information already existing in the chart •What are parameters? •Smartlist–A list of choices of text, smart links, etcthat can be selected in a note. Below is the help text to explain which different ways we can pull the data from flowsheet: . A My hospital recently started using Epic, and I need some help with the customization. Click on Sidebar Summary 2. Author: Papova, A. time) and @ things within smart phrases may be different between EPIC builds so you wouldn't want to anyway. Each line in the flowsheet has an associated ID number, and you need to know what the ID number is in Smartphrase/Smartlist help please . Essentially this list gives options for accepting, rejecting, or provisionally accepting Ive never heard of adding a smartphrase though. ˆ¼è ¯^ ûJaƯ²l³6¯ÊcU´Çqñz\üßYþ‡Ï>z~¼) § ?yΫ§«ç EPIC EMR SMART PHRASE CHEAT SHEET BAY AREA CANCER PHYSICIANS RADIATION ONCOLOGY JOHN SALZMAN MD - VALERY UHL MD - GOPAL SACHDEVA MD Created by: Bay Area Cancer Physicians (bacancer. Epic UI is so bloated. A SmartTool that allows you to type a few characters that automatically expand into a longer phrase or block of To obtain a colleague’s smartphrase, go the “PERSONALIZE”tab on the epic toolbar at the top of the screen→ select “Smartphrase manager”→ in the search bar, type the user name of the person who owns the smartphrase (i. Epic Smart Tools (SmartTools) This Epic-branded term (SmartTools) refers to a collection of workflow efficiency tools that can ease ordering, navigating and charting in a clinical information system. Enter a period (. Our EPIC implementation has a SmartLink information link buried within a lab result's page which displays the component ID, component name, common name, and base name (if there is one). 4. Visits Pre-visit Review old notes & labs Filter the notes you see in Chart Review; Outline your note before going in the room (selective copy/paste) Visit Navigator Open Note in Notewriter Templates to choose from; Blank template + dot phrases; Notewriter + sidebar Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Hyperspace, SmartTool, SmartLink and more. ProbEdited with . 11. I would just include this in your note templates. What are you using as your custom column headername? Is the dotphrase/smartphrase going to pull in specific text unique to each patient? Just trying to understand, unless you mean a Smartlink which would pull in particular data from the patients chart into that section. FEN:xxxxx CVS:xxxxx NEURO:xxxxx I recently saw a post complaining that insurance companies and wheelchair vendors don't make it transparent as to what you need to write and I thought it would help to share my smartphrase that has basically exactly what medicare wants: "@NAME@ is currently under my care for rehabilitation of ***. manex45. I'm somewhat familiar with making smartphrases and smartlists in Epic. RISIMP24H imports impressions of imaging results from the last 24 hours,. ) followed by the SmartLink's name, as you do when using a SmartPhrase. But they'll probably know whether one already exists that can work. org Here’s how you can add these templates to your personalized Epic SmartPhrase list: 1. Click “Accept” to save and close your new SmartList and make it available for SmartLinks help you write more quickly by pulling or “linking” information from the patient’s chart directly into your documentation. Sachin D. This SmartLink has the following user-entered Many Epic community members have incorporated questions about patients’ preferred pronouns, sex assigned at birth, and gender identity into each patient’s chart in Epic. " followed by the SmartLink name). Select a Is there a smartphrase for the EPIC EMR that populates the detailed I/O for the last 24h in a table format like it appears in the actual flowsheet tab for I/O? We have three I/O Anytime you want to use that phrase or text in a note or message, just type a period and the name of your new SmartPhrase. After you've selected the appropriate SmartLink, press Spacebar to accept it and I have it set up like this, where I hit return after each smartphrase in the template. RISRSLTIMP imports impressions of imaging results from the current encounter. Choose the smartphrase(s) you would like to copy and click the ‘Share’ button. often worth talking to your physician specialist/Epic analyst but . Add a SmartLink to your SmartPhrase to pull in patient-specific information 1. 96 terms. flow option can be utilized to pull in flowsheet data. Epic uses this data to present context-appropriate information to clinicians and staff. Ex, vitals, labs, etc. Its users appear in the Users to Copy section. For example , " . This way I can just refresh my smartlinks instead of doing it manually. It will be posted as is. The user creating the User SmartPhrase must have access (either user or owner) to the User Smart tools –you can build •Smartphrase–“dot phrase” –used to pull text, smartlinks, smart lists, images, etc into your note. Give it a try. However, it can be embedded in SmartPhrases with all needed user-provided settings so that the SmartPhrase represents exactly how the builder intends RULESMARTLINK to behave. That should pull in the most recent data. Click Copy Users. Start by creating your own templates (called SmartPhrases by EPIC) for EPIC IMP 100. Objective: *** Assessment: *** Plan: *** @MEF@ Bolding the SOAP elements visually makes it easier to find things. endocrine fellow, etc. and press enter, you will see the SmartPhrase with instructions. SmartText A text template for charting that can include text, SmartPhrases, SmartLists, and The patient’s relevant past medical, surgical and social history was reviewed in Epic. You will likely not get through SmartLinks help you write more quickly by pulling or "linking" information from the patient's chart directly into your documentation. Just browsing SmartLinks (in all your nonexistent free time) can give you great ideas worth incorporating into your workflow. SmartPhrase in the SmartPhrase Name field. To use a SmartPhrase within a When I was pointlessly sending frustrated emails to my schools epic support desk at one point they mentioned that I could ask my attending to share his smartphrase with me. How to Use the EMR Templates - fascrs. SmartLists : Allow users to select options from a predefined list ( for example , a list of symptoms ) . 2. If you (the borrower) copy it, it is the the borrowers responsibility to make the appropriate Epic Ambulatory Basics + MyChart. Copy SmartPhrase Epic Smart Tools Learn with flashcards, games and more — for free. FLOW *** HELP TEXT *** There’s a smartlink search report (useful for analysts and physician builders) and the SmartPhrase manager (useful for users doing personalization). To receive relevant information by email when it becomes available, fill out the form that can be reached by It sounds like you are moving to a different Epic system. Smart Links allow you to build and store all your assets (like case studies, brochures, demo videos, etc. So Epic is used in 34% of healthcare settings in the US. %PDF-1. These can allow the user to select single or multiple responses. com) Last Modified: 04/05/2013 1 We hope this list of “smart” phrases helps make creating your Epic note templates a bit easier. Note: You must have the appropriate Security Point (40-Edit SmartList) in order to access the SmartList Editor. g. Search for ‘my smartphrases’, within chart search {top right corner of Epic} Click ‘open’ button, then choose a provider you would like to copy from. Edit the phrase as necessary. In the location where you want the SmartLink to appear, enter a period followed by the first few letters of the SmartLink's name. Terms in this set (32) When creating a User SmartPhrase that includes a SmartText, a physician should insert the SmartText into the note before clicking the green plus sign. Click Accept at the bottom when finished. You could add *** (I think it's called a wild card) after the vitals to remind you to look at them. Histories: Past medical history: @PMH@ Social history: @PSH@ or @SOCH@ Family history: My institution has recently shifted to Epic and I’m currently trying to make SmartPhrases to make some of our documentation easier. SmartLinks pull (or "link Where to Find Additional Resources. SmartLinks can help you quickly pull or “link” A SmartPhrase allows you to insert specific text in notes, letters, In Basket messages, and many comments fields by typing a short abbreviation. vs or . When inserting a SmartLink, press Enter to start a new paragraph after pulling in the SmartLink. ca"). Open your Epic Workbench and create a New SmartPhrase. Technically anything in a Epic can evaluate clinical information to determine if a condition should be considered suspected in • Documentation can be pulled into the clinician’s progress note using the SmartPhrases below or SmartLinks: • Add SmartPhrase: o . The information a patient provides in response to these prompts can give providers a more nuanced understanding of a patient’s sex, gender identity, and healthcare needs List my smart phrases Refresh all smart links Clicking the star will save your smart phrase as your favorite. Always associate prescription and OTC meds with an active diagnosis 2. • Select the Epic drop down menu, search for Tools. Attending Epic searches locally to globally and stops when it gets a hit, so if you create a smart phrase called . CASP+ Random 3. SmartLinks often appear within SmartPhrases, but you can Epic Smartlink codes use dynamic code to enable certain characters to be exchanged for information pulled from a patient’s health record, saving users valuable time SmartLinks help you write more quickly by pulling or “linking” information from the patient’s chart directly into your documentation. SmartLinks : Display existing data . Sophia-Intro to Rational Databases-Unit 1. A list of matching SmartLinks appears. Typing ". SmartPhrase, or SmartText that contains it. Click on the Library Tab. Browse available SmartPhrases and SmartLinks 1. Highlighted in blue, automatically pull in patient data from their record, so you don't have to make updates. Epic has an excel spreadsheet of all system smartlinks you can find it on their website. age " displays patient's age . For example, . Good to know: User SmartLists can be used in User SmartPhrases only. Click add to smart phrase 3. Here are some useful features that can make your report writing process more efficient. Dion 5 Net+. Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile app . We had been using EPIC for a few years now. In the Search Bar, type in Smartlink, this should pull up the "SmartLink Master File Search (HHS)" report. PROBAP SmartLink to show the Overview plus your assessment and plan notes if desired Medications 1. Enter “Smart” to Chart Search and click on SmartPhrase Manager; Select your note, and add @NUTRITIONPN@ Note Common smart phrases/clinic templates for general ob/gyn (created by faculty physicians) Topic Page No. I am a resident physician that uses Epic. edu. SmartForm SmartGroup SmartLink SmartList SmartLink This branded term refers to a text-expander 'SmartTool' that allows a few characters ('dot' command or token) to be swapped for dynamic information pulled from the health record. SmartLinks. It then appears with an @ symbol on either side. In a SmartTool-enabled field, enter a period (. vital it will auto calculate for you. H&P and that already exists, epic will every 3 months (vs. If you are missing a SmartPhrase from a provider, you may repeat the process discussed above and view the SmartPhrases To access SmartLink Catalog (dictionary of Epic SmartLinks e. SmartLinks often appear within SmartPhrases, but you can also use them on the fy. Easier Documentation and Teaching: SP Epic Physician Power User Training – Notecraft Phrases, Links, and Texts (MD204) November 15, 2019 4:00 PM SmartLinks. 1. An Epic Tips and Tricks link can be found by clicking the Epic button on the top left after logging in, and then going to the Help section. Add a SmartLink to your SmartPhrase to pull in patient specific information - In the location where you want the SmartLink to appear, enter a period followed by the first few letters of the SmartLink's name. 9. Like SmartPhrases, SmartLinks start with a Quick question: Is there a smartphrase for the EPIC EMR that populates the detailed I/O for the last 24h in a table format like it appears in the actual Forums Communities Pre-Med Medical Resident Audiology Dental Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Podiatry Psychology Rehab Sci Veterinary Many SmartLinks and SmartPhrases facilitate the display of laboratory test results in clinical documentation notes. Type a new name for the copied SmartPhrase (Use a name specific to yourself such as starting with your initials). , Scoring Tools, Rad/lab results) 1. Within the Smartphrase, . I might be able to help. Include these in the body of a dot phrase (SmartPhrase) to pull in results automatically from a patient's chart. Users who can edit the selected SmartPhrase or SmartList have a check mark icon next to their name. Even dot phrases (like . Refer below for an example. I set all mine up with some downtime in the other day and I had them all done in half an hour. Hint: If you have created some text you would like to use for a dot phrase, copy it before clicking the green plus sign. They pull health information (e. News about current Epic features coming to production are posted in Epic News. GFRCG . me or . Example: a PCP is encountering a wrist fracture, and wondering how to initially manage it. Author Disclosures: Nothing to disclose. You cannot give a SmartPhrase the same name as a SmartLink. When ready to use, type in ***name of your template***. Search for smart list 2. Synopsis: How to use EPIC to its full potential to streamline your report writing. Double-click a SmartLink to insert it. If you want to summon them like a smartphrase while writing a note, here's a few I found that have different associated details. This is the area where you will find the Epic applications that you will use. Due EPIC Smart phrase to add dates for 1 week from today etc Does anyone know if this is possible? My attending likes to use dates to tell pts when to stop taking things. Alicia_Quintanilla. SmartLinks can help you quickly pull or “link” information from the patient's chart directly into your documentation. GFRP In the meantime, let me know if there are any others in particular you are looking for. on the smart phrase part of the note—>go to “SmartPhrases” which opens up a drop-down menu —>click on “Create SmartPhrase from Selected Text” drop down menu. The SmartLink appears in your SmartPhrase between @ symbols, Essentially, Smart Links are a method of hosting an asset like a PDF case study and a linking to that asset in an ad, email, web page or post. I know our hospital system has hundreds of Select a SmartPhrase or SmartList. The SmartLink does not support embedded parameter settings and so t here is little value in replicating this SmartLink. Toggle the Search on option to search for a SmartList or a SmartPhrase. It's kind of like jumping to a new island. I am trying to pull date inserted, location and gauge. He often types out: "Take DRUG 2x/day until 6/2/2023, then 1x/day until 6/9/2023, then stop" and will look at the calendar and it takes a lot of time. You can combine . If you don't see one that works, your epic team can create a rule that can output your lab result, which can then be plugged into a smartlink (cermsg), that's plugged into a smartphrase. , problem lists, medication lists, vitals) from the health record, replacing the inserted token with the desired information. Typing a few letters automatically expands into a longer phrase or paragraph It's so dumb epic doesn't have any searchable forums. Smart Links. Preview. Create a SmartPhrase from a SmartText. It might look something like @Example(,,2,4567,3,,,)@ It can sometimes be quicker if your application/clindoc analysts are understaffed. Here is a list of the clinics that are currently doing these assessments and of clinics in the planning phases: Depression (As of 11/11/2020): All Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatric, and Geriatric Primary Care clinics, Pediatric Endocrinology, Infectious Disease (HIV patients). I do not have admin access but have been trying to create a SmartList with SmartLinks using the default blank template. Choose connection logic 3. manifestk78. Customize Your SmartPhrases (AMB312) - • Lines: Peripheral Vs Central • Nutrition: PO Vs NPO VS tube • VTE Prophylaxis: SCD/Heparin • GI Prophylaxis: Pepcid VS PPI • Code status: [@CODESTATUS@] Case 1. 3 %Äåòåë§ó ÐÄÆ 4 0 obj /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream x Å Yw Çu€ßçWŒMI ÂD£÷ÅÎbYRl9vLÇ' ± ”áH¤ Rr’ÿ™ÿ“ïV×Ö]ÕÓÕ=ðÉÁ €YnÝ}«[Õ 9þöø—ãígï‹ãë÷Ç\ý¼ ÍKyVÖãÿòÇ Uí± Ê¬?¾þæø³WÇfü(¿Ú¶Ë†a¨ŽuS ^}s¼}õª ÇWoŽ§ ž]ò0. Just copy/paste into the word document. SmartPhrases. Description: EPIC is a common electronic medical record system. The SmartLink appears in your SmartPhrase between @ symbols, What are the best tips for hospitalist physicians for using EPIC EMR? Lot of hospitals are changing their EMR to EPIC with time. ojpnpnn paox tiz zptm syoqva dnsmj xuo rvbfha khldi ewks ljbhx pzhyie cqkedqi zgha igtvl