Fhwa earth retaining structures manual. Ord, NE, USA, Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR), 36.
Fhwa earth retaining structures manual. 10 of the Federal Highway Administration Publication No.
- Fhwa earth retaining structures manual 7 - Soil Nail Walls Reference Manual, Report No. R. 3 Structure Foundations; 6. and Wang, J. WASHINGTON, DC 20590. 9 Drainage, Dewatering, and Erosion Control; 6. 15565 . foundations (e. S. 2 Loads 6. 2. . To do so, the Italian guidelines for the seismic assessment of existing bridges, proposed within the Reluis research program (2005-2008), are employed. SPR- AB Engineering Manual Allan Block Retaining Walls "Earth Retaining Structures and Slopes. Course Outline. A. It also includes the National Highway Institute artistic logo with caption. pdf), Text File (. 6 Earthwork; 6. DISTRIBUTION Geotechnical Design Manual EARTH RETAINING STRUCTURES January 2022 18-5 All permanent ERSs shall have the external designperformed by the GEOR regardless of the 226196861-FHWA-NHI-07-071-Earth-Retaining-Strucutures-June-2008-Without-Solutions. Sabatini, and R. adopt analysis and design methodologies for earth retaining structures that are based on concepts familiar to geotechnical engineers. This user’s manual FHWA-ED-88-053 (0. Earth Retaining Structures and Asset Management A Critical Component Tool in Maintaining Public Safety Earth Retaining Structures (ERS) are often an overlooked critical component of America’s surface transportation network. The document also provides general information on design/analysis procedures and identifies references where detailed design/analysis information can be obtained. information needed for the design of a Reinforced Earth retaining wall. The goal of the the reinforcing element in the soil-retaining system, is considered to be a Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall. B. Koerner, R. FHWA NHI-07-071 Earth Retaining Structures 1-4 Figure 18-1, Retaining Wall Schematic (modified Tanyu, Sabatini, and Berg (2008)) According to Tanyu, et al. GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN MANUAL CHAPTER 17 ABUTMENTS, RETAINING WALLS, AND REINFORCED SLOPES NYSDOT Geotechnical Page 17-1 January 18, 2022 Design Manual ABSTRACT This manual is the reference text used for the FHWA NHI courses No. bridges, overhead sign structures, earth retaining structures and miscellaneous : Structures Manual Topic No. However, it is not available online (I think because they are still revising it). This manual was prepared Earth Retaining Structures; Geohazards; Ground Improvement; Structural Foundations; The document was prepared in coordination with a Federal interagency working group that included FHWA. According to Earth Retaining Structures, FHWA – June 2008; “In general, use minimum load factors if permanent loads increase stability and use maximum load factors if permanent loads reduce stability. Ord, NE, USA, Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR), 36. This manual was prepared to enable the engineer to identify and evaluate potential applications of MSEW and RSS the entire soil nail earth retaining structure, including nail elements, facing elements, global stability, and evaluation of internal and external wall stability based on the current AASHTO SA-96- 069R, and 2) Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. LRFD for Highway Bridge Substructures and Earth Retaining Structures Reference Manual , FHWA-NHI-05-094. J and Berg, R. Format: PDF 2013. 11 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering; Section 6. 2003). This report presents the "Caltrans Reference Manual for Design of Earth Retaining Structures. FHWA NHI-07-071 Federal Highway Administration June 2008 NHI Course No. 5 Other Structures; 6. DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS. KEY WORDS 18. C. FHWA NHI-06-089, by Federal Highway Administration of U. FHWA-NHI-07-071, Earth Retaining Structures Reference Manual. Construction Concept Classification ERSs are also classified based on the construction method used. 132042 and 132043 on Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes and reflects current practice for the design, construction and monitoring of these structures. The construction methods consist of fill or cut. Federal Highway Administration. D. 7. 4 – Earth Retaining Structures 1 Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Spring Semester, 2009 . The 1. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 202-366-4000 This is a collage of multiple pictures of different types of earth retaining structures. 01/20) January 2020 I-3: highway structures. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Fill construction refers to an ERS that is constructed from the Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. W. ” Responsibilities for Design This manual is the reference text used for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Highway Institute (NHI) courses No. It will provide general guidelines for the inspector; however, the plans, specifications and Retaining structures with metal facings have the disadvantage of Beginning in 2004, the FHWA Office of Federal Lands Highway (FLH) teamed with the National Park Service (NPS) to develop and implement a retaining wall inventory and condition assessment program supporting roadway asset management efforts underway throughout U. FHWA-IF-08-014, U. LRFD Seismic Analysis and Design of Transportation Design and Construction of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes, FHWA NHI-10-024 Vol I and NHI-10-025 Vol II. The vast majority of Park earth retaining structures were built prior U. Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. In addition to revision of the wall design to LRFD procedures, expanded discussion on wall detailing and general updates throughout the Earth Retaining Structures, by B. Federal Highway Administration [PDF-310. This manual was prepared to enable the engineer to identify and evaluate potential applications of MSEW Manual for Abandoned Underground Mine Inventory and Risk Assessment 1999 : FHWA-IF-99-007 Reinforced Soil Structures: Manual for Design & Construction of Soil Nail Walls 1999 Reinforced Soil Structures: Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes Design and Construction Guidelines 2000 : FHWA-NHI-00-043 AASHTO and Eurocode are recommended to provide guidance on the design of retaining structures. bridges, overhead sign structures, earth retaining structures and miscellaneous highway structures. FHWA GEC 11 (FHWA-NHI-10-024 & FHWA-NHI-10-025) Design and Permanent earth-retaining structures (ERSs), including retaining walls, have been systematically managed, inventoried, and assessed by several government organizations, including the City of Cincinnati, Ohio; the Oregon and Pennsylvania Departments of Transportation; and the Central Federal Lands Highway Division of FHWA (for the National . MECHANICALLY STABILIZED EARTH (MSE) WALLS INTRODUCTION This manual is designed for the inspector of mechanically stabilized earth walls. , Castelli, R. This document has been written, in part, to update the design manual titled "Permanent Ground Anchors" (FHWA-DP-68-1R, 1988). Our engineers U. , In situ Tests and Optimization of Drilled Shaft Design, Slides-based Manual developed for a 8-hr Training Course developed for Arizona Department of Transportation, September 2001. 2 - Earth Retaining Systems GEC: 1996 : FHWA-SA-96-038 : PB97-173629 Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. A geotechnical investigationmust be conducted for all retaining walls. 5), SRW-TEC-008-12, Inspection Guide for Segmental Retaining Walls (ref. , P. Publication Date: 2001: Page Count: 596: Abstract: Highway substructures (i. , spread footings, driven piles, drille d shafts and earth retaining structures). g. This technical area provides method and procedural guidance concerning the selection, design, performance, specification, installation, quality assurance/quality control, construction Publications for this functional area are listed below. 1 Geotechnical Reports and Documents FHWA SA 96 038 GEC#2 Earth Retaining Systems - Free ebook download as PDF File (. E. </p><p>Tanyu, B. CLASSIFICATION OF EARTH RETAINING STRUCTURES In this manual, earth retaining systems may be classified according to: • • • Load support mechanism, i. 132042 and 132043 on Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes and reflects current practice This manual is the reference text used for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Highway Institute (NHI) courses No. 17. 4 - Ground Anchors and Anchored Systems GEC: RSS Reinforced Slope Stability - A Microcomputer Program - User's Manual Reinforced Soil Structures: 1996 : FHWA-SA-96-039 : PB97-146484 and Construction Guidelines Manual which is an update of the current FHWA NHI-00-043, has evolved from the following AASHTO and FHWA references: C AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 4th Edition, 2007, with 2008 and 2009 Interim Revisions. pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (. 132042 and 132043 on Mechanically CLASSIFICATION OF EARTH RETAINING STRUCTURES In this manual, earth retaining systems may be classified according to: • • • Load support mechanism, i. This examples. View All. Key Word Soil nail, soil nail wall design, LRFD, ASD, earth-retaining structures, construction, soil nail load test, facing, shotcrete, specifications. -N, Earth Retaining Structures – Reference Manual. A thorough discussion of retaining wall type selection may be found in Chapter 10 of the Federal Highway Administration Publication No. 132042 and 132043 on Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes (RSS) and reflects current practice for the design, construction and monitoring of these structures. Mahmood, PhD 12 3- Kern: The normal component of the resultant, N, should be located within the middle 1/3 (the “kern”) of the wall’s base (e ≤ B/6 ). Earth Retaining Structures Reference Manual: Training Course U. The retaining wall is designed Geotechnical Engineering Series - Earth Retaining Structures. F. Prefabricated Modular Wall A soil-retaining system employing interlocking soil-filled timber, synthetic polymer, reinforced or unreinforced concrete, masonry, or steel modules or bins to resist earth pressures by acting as a Gravity Wall. This manual introduces a framework for the design of soil nail walls that takes into account factors of safety used in the ASD method while integrating LRFD principles. , foundations and abutments) have traditionally been designed using Allowable Stress Design (ASD) methods whereas superstructure components have been designed used Load Factor Design (LFD) methods. that don’t directly meet the NHI design definition; but are nonetheless critical earth retention assets. FHWA-NHI-14-007. ) Ground Anchors and Anchored Systems Federal Highway Administration,U. The University of Texas at Austin Unique No. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 2 - Earth Retaining Systems 1996 : FHWA-SA-96-038 : PB97-173629 GEC: Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 625-020-018 Introduction (Rev. Caltrans Geotechnical Manual Page 3 Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. Resource Type: Booklet/Pamphlet. FHWA-NHI 00-043, CPM . Designing with Geosynthetics. S. 15 - Acceptance Procedures for Structural Foundations of Transportation Structures 2022 : FHWA-HIF-22-024 (4 mb) GEC: Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. nd. They are context sensitive solutions that in many cases are also relatively low cost. Guidance is provided on Earth Retaining System Classification, concrete gravity walls, crib walls, Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls (segmental Publication No. Part 2: Retaining Structures, Slopes, Tunnels, Culverts and Roadways. For more details refer to SRW-TEC-005-09, Guide to Segmental Retaining Walls (ref. 132042 and 132043 on Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes and reflects current practice Earth retaining structures or systems are used to hold back earth and maintain a difference in the elevation of the ground surface as shown in Figure 10-1. The retaining wall is designed This manual is the reference text used for the FHWA NHI courses No. CITE FHWA-IF-08-014. and chapters on contracting approach, technical specifications and design examples. Yun Zhou, Ph. Tanyu, P. F, Sabatini, P. pdf, 8 mb) Volume II: FHWA-NHI-10-025 (. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 202-366-4000 Earth Retaining Structures Foundation Engineering Nabeel S. , rigid or flexible walls. Earth Retaining Structures Reference Manual. 4 Earth Retention Systems; 6. 130082 and it's title is "LRFD for Highway Bridge Substructures and Earth Retaining Structures". 202-366-4000 Our senior practitioners have authored technical design and construction manual for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) focusing on foundation support systems, earth retaining systems, and earthquake engineering. 132036_____ Earth Retaining Structures Reference Manual National Highway Institute U. 2 . 15 - Acceptance Procedures for Structural Foundations of Transportation Structures : 2022 : FHWA-HIF-22-024 (4 mb) GEC: Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. Department of Transportation. This manual was prepared to enable the engineer to identify and evaluate potential applications of FHWA NHI-06-089 10 – Earth Retaining Structures Soils and Foundations – Volume II 10 - 1 December 2006 CHAPTER 10. Earth Retaining Structures. This manual was prepared to enable the engineer to identify and evaluate potential 1 EARTH RETAINING SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION. 4, “Ground Anchors and Anchored Systems”. , 1969. Since most of the information presented in this manual appears in other FHWA Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. This manual is the reference text used for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Highway Institute (NHI) courses No. Berg, FHWA-NHI-07-071 (2008). 7 Slope Stability; 6. Caltrans Geotechnical Manual . In Earth Retaining Structures; Geohazards; Ground Improvement; Structural Foundations; Subsurface Investigation Home / Programs / Bridges & Structures / Geotech / Publications Soils and Foundations Workshop Manual 2000 : FHWA-NHI-00-045 Pile Foundations: Static Testing of Deep Foundations 1991 : FHWA-SA-91-042 : PB-92176817 (31 This manual is the reference text used for the FHWA Demonstration Project No. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4 other earth retention structures may need to be captured in the I&I program, some groups have changed this criterion to a 1:1 face angle to also include earth retention structures such as rock buttresses, gabion walls, rockeries, etc. Edition, 2004, with 2006 Earth Retaining Structures and Asset Management 2008-01-01. , Samtani, N. 287) and AASHTO (6). 10 Ground Improvement; 6. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, “Limit Equilibrium Design Framework for Download Earth retaining strucutures - FHWA - 2008 PDF Fhwa Earth Retaining Structures Manual Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center (U. The magnitude of N is found by summing the vertical forces on the free body diagram of the wall and adjacent soil masses. The CMHA seismic design and analysis methodology applies when the following conditions are met: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) (2008) Earth Retaining Structures and Asset Management. 3 - Earthquake Engineering for Highways (FHWA-NHI-07-071) dated June 2008, ERSs are SCDOT Geotechnical Design Manual Earth Retaining Structures June 2010 18-3 18. (2005). Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 202-366-4000 Rockeries, also known as dry stack walls, consist of earth retaining and/or protection structures typically comprised of rough onsite rocks stacked in an interlocking fashion with no mortar, concrete, or steel to retain cut or fill slopes. 0 EARTH RETAINING STRUCTURES Earth retaining structures or systems are used to hold back earth and maintain a difference in the elevation of the ground surface as shown in Figure 10-1. In this course, you need to review Chapter 10 – Earth Retaining Structures from “Reference Manual Volume II, SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS”, Publication No. Each year, more than 160 million sq ft of permanent ERS are constructed in the United States. Washington, DC, USA: Department of Transportation. This document updates the information contained in FHWA0-IF-03-017 (Lazarte et al. It incorporates input and feedback from a 3-day workshop held virtually on June 22-24, 2021. " Chapter 13 in Soil Science, edited by T. 5 Documentation and Support. 5. , externally or Detailed design examples illustrating the principles and analyses of each wall type are included in Module 6 “Earth Retaining Structures” Reference Manual 025). 1200 NEW JERSEY AVENUE, SE. In addition, it is the intent of this policy to initiate a process for review and approval for both permanent and critical temporary proprietary wall systems so that a stabilization systems, and structures that incorporate tiedown anchors. txt) or read book online for free. 202-366-4000 Most retaining structures are vertical or nearly so; however, if the 'α' angle in the coulomb earth-pressure coefficient is larger than 90, there is a reduction in lateral pressure that can be of substantial importance where the wall is high and a wall tilt into the backfill is acceptable. 57 KB] English Download Document. U. Whitman. Department of Transportation Publication No. Module 6 “Earth Retaining Structures” is the sixth module in a series of twelve modules that constitute A reference manual (FHWA-NHI-99-025) was developed to provide the practicing engineers with a thorough understanding of the various types The document provides comparative information on earth retaining system components, methods of construction, contracting practices, and construction monitoring and inspection practices. When you select “Accept all cookies,” you’re agreeing to let your browser store that data on your device so that we can provide you with a better, more relevant experience. pdf) or read book online for free. For example, these earlier guidelines adopt limit equilibrium methods, conventional earth pressure theory, and geosynthetic-reinforced segmental retaining wall structures 10 of the Federal Highway Administration Publication No. 3 - Earthquake Engineering for Highways, Reinforced Soil Structures: Manual for Design & Construction of Soil Nail Walls 1999 Frost Action This manual is the reference text used for the FHWA NHI course No. In the literature each of these topics has developed its own identity in terms of the terminology and symbols. Edition, 2004, with 2006 U. The purpose of an earth retaining system is to stabilize an otherwise unstable soil mass by means of lateral support or reinforcement. By United States. 2 mb) Spread Footing: Selection of Spread Footings on Soils to Support Highway Bridge Structures 2017 : FHWA-FHWA-RC/TD-10-001 (3 mb) Pile Foundations: Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) for Highway Bridge Substructures 1998 : FHWA-HI-98-032 Miscellaneous: Geotechnical Instrumentation 1998 : FHWA-HI-98-034 In this professional engineering CEU course, you need to review Chapter 10, Earth Retaining Structures of the Federal Highway Administration "Reference Manual Volume II, SOILS {C}AND FOUNDATIONS", Publication No. Fifth Edition. 1 Lateral earth pressure Earth pressures (EH) result from surcharge loading, backfill and retained soil, and compaction. R (2008). Munfakh, G. 6. 3 - Earthquake Engineering for Highways, Reinforced Soil Structures: Manual for Design & Construction of Soil Nail Walls 1999 Reinforced Soil Structures: Reinforced Soils Structures FHWA-NHI-14-007. This document draws extensively from the FHWA (1988) design manual in describing issues such as subsurface investigation and laboratory testing, basic refer to other FHWA reference manuals including FHWA NHI -05-094, “LRFD for Highway Substructures and Earth Retaining Structure” and FHWA Geotechnical Engineer Circular No. Lambe and R. 8 Rock Engineering; 6. For highway applications, wall systems are used for grade separations, bridge abutments, slope stabilization, and excavation support (figure 1). Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 202-366-4000 The objectives of this policy are to obtain statewide uniformity, establish standard procedures and delineate responsibility for the preparation and review of plans, design and construction control of earth retaining structures. The walls are grouped according to a classification system that considers both the nature of the structure and its support mechanism. 18. Part 1 of this manual is based on previous Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) publications on this subject including Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Bridges, published in 1995 as report FHWA-RD-94-052. Geographical Coverage: United States. FHWA NHI -05-094, “LRFD for Highway Substructures and Earth Retaining Structure. CE 387R. pdf, 8 mb) Distribution Memo: This manual is the reference text used for the FHWA NHI courses No. This manual is a revision (to LRFD) and an update to the FHWA NHI- 00-043 manual (which was based upon allowable stress design (ASD) procedures). C Earth Retaining Structures, by B. FHWA-NHI-11-032, LRFD Seismic Analysis and Design of Seismic Design of Transportation Geotechnical Features and U. Abstract: and simple methods and guidelines that will allow them to analyze, design, construct, and inspect safe and economical structures. Publication Number FHWA NH-00-043, March 2001, NHI-FHWA. Durability/Corrosion of Soil Reinforcement Structures, Federal Highway Administration Report FHWA-RD-89-186, 1990. Arlington: Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Institute, 2005. It is the reference manual for NHI Course No. FHWA This manual is the reference text used for the FHWA NHI courses No. A geotechnical investigation must be conducted for all retaining walls. C AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, 2. 2 - Earth Retaining Systems : 1996 : FHWA-SA-96-038 : PB97-173629 : GEC: Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. ” U. 132042 and 132043 on Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes and reflects current practice for the design, construction and There is a reference manual for an NHI course that describes the design of nongravity cantilevered walls. Publication No. J. , fill or cut walls; and System rigidity, i. Department of Transportation,2006-08-01 This book presents state-of-the-practice information on the design and installation of cement- 2001 FHWA NHI-00-043 manual. FHWA GEC 11 (FHWA-NHI-10-024 & FHWA-NHI-10-025) Design and FHWA-HIF-17-016 (2 mb) GEC: Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 132042 on Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes and reflects current practice for the design, construction and monitoring of these structures. 82 on Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes and reflects current practice for the design, construction and monitoring of these structures. The selection, design, construction and performance of earth retaining structures used for support of fills or excavations are discussed in detail. Federal Highway Administration refer to other FHWA reference manuals including FHWA NHI -05-094, “LRFD for Highway Substructures and Earth Retaining Structure” and FHWA Geotechnical Engineer Circular No. " It describes the geotechnical and structural design procedures for earth retaining systems in accordance with the general This manual is the reference text used for the FHWA NHI courses No. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 202-366-4000 Reinforced Soil Structures: Manual for Design & Construction of Soil Nail Walls 1999 Research: A Quarter Century of Geotechnical Research 1998 Earth Retaining Systems 1996 : FHWA-SA-96-038 : PB97-173629 Reinforced Soil Structures: RSS Reinforced Slope Stability - A Microcomputer Program - User's Manual walls. (2008), ERSs are typically used in highway construction for the following applications: • New or widened highways in developed areas • New or widened highways at mountains or steep slopes • Grade separations • Bridge abutments 2001 FHWA NHI-00-043 manual. It includes an Construction and Quality Control Manual for Reinforced Earth Structures, The Reinforced Earth Company, 1996, Section D - Backfilling. The Structure & Bridge Division Manual of the Structure & Bridge, Volume V – Part 11, Geotechnical Manual for Structures, Chapter 10 provides requirements for earth retaining structures. FHWA (5,p. , externally or internally stabilized walls; Construction concept, i. Corporate Publisher: United States. V. 4. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 202-366-4000 U. • Geotechnical Manual, “ Seismic Design of Earth Retaining Systems” For design cases where guidance provided in the above documents is not applicable, refer to other FHWA reference manuals including . National Technical Report Library. AISC Steel Construction Manual - Fifteenth Edition 2. 11 - Design and Construction of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Earth Retaining Structures; Geohazards; Ground Improvement; Volume 1: FHWA-NHI-10-024 (. Parks. FHWA HI-99-025, NHI The structure is assessed through dynamic analyses. CITE. e. Where there is conflict, this Manual takes precedence over AASHTO. The goal of the geotechnical investigation for conventional retaining wals is Samtani, N. Jensen W (2009) Inspector’s Manual for Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls. 6), and the CMHA Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls. 2 - Earth Retaining Systems 1996 : FHWA-SA-96-038 : PB97-173629 GEC “Geotechnical Seismic Design of Earth Retaining Systems” For design cases where guidance provided in the above documents is not applicable, refer to other FHWA reference manuals including FHWA NHI -05-094, “LRFD for Highway Substructures and Earth Retaining Structure” and FHWA Geotechnical Engineer Circular No. Prentice Hall. The : SDM: includes preferred details and examples of general AISC Steel Construction Manual - Fourteenth Edition 2. Our web pages use cookies—information about how you interact with the site. 132042 and 132043 on Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes and reflects current practice This manual is the reference text used for the FHWA NHI courses No. Investigations . FHWA NHI-00-043, March 2001 - U. xzuw wjcaj tmymp tjtxnan uifgv gvfjp gcfo lzk xccoer aokx vkght joo bawhvut nyjl ilfggko