Reelfoot lake fishing report Advertising Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report March 12, 2018 ALL SIGNS SAY SPRING IS FAST APPROACHING Jackie Wayne's back with a March fishing report. Capt Mike Pritchard on the Tribute just called in from their 1. Some early Spring weather has been great news! Still a lot of Bass being caught using Forward Facing Sonar, but there have been some solid fish biting a small pig & jig combo (Green Pumpkin) and a few bass starting to show up on deep diving jerk baits in 10-15 ' of water. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report June 1, 2017 CRAPPIE BITE GOODBLUEGILL STILL SPAWNING Jackie Wayne'sback with a fishing report Water temp is in the upper 70's. Well folks the crappie are moving into shallow waterlike on the shoreline in 2 to 5' water in the treestip your jigs with wax worms. The common area is large enough to gather and hangout in between hunts or wind down in the evenings. Of course these should only be used as indicators Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report . There is any catfish over there? Going Blue Gill fishing with Crappie Monster on Reelfoot Lake. Join us for the love of hunting Reelfoot Lake offers some of the best fishing in the United States! Don’t believe us? Give it a try. Links. Most of the lake lies within the state of Tennessee and is the largest natural lake in the state (10, 427 acres) Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report May 25, 2019 CRAPPIE BITE STILL GOOD BLUEGILL SPAWNING PHASE UNDERWAY Jackie Wayne's back with a Reelfoot Lake fishing report. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report August 7, 2019 COOLER WEATHER PUTS PEP IN SUMMER ANGLERS Jackie Wayne's back with a Reelfoot Lake fishing report. The Reelfoot Lake Navigation App provides advanced features of a Marine So, it was on a recent sunny, cool morning that Rodriquez showcased what he loves best while fishing for bluegill on Reelfoot Lake in Northwest Tennessee – perch-jerking in the lily pads. lake level is is 5 inches below pool. This was followed by the Dawn Aftershock just hours later, intensifying the destruction. Home; About Us; Rates & Packages; History; GALLERY; CONTACT US; Old Cypress Lodge. It's been a pretty good week weather wise as April hit the home stretch and May knocks on the door. Reelfoot also has excellent crappie fishing, bass fishing and waterfowl hunting. If so get you'll find all your weather information Reelfoot Lake fishing report information updated each and everyday for accuracy. Reelfoot Lake fireworksdisplay. Water conditions are good with slight green stain in color. If you use the app, you can store a virtual copy there and pull it up easily if needed. . Created by a violent earthquake in the early 1800's, this flooded area is now one of the most fertile and productive lakes in the U. Calendar of Events. Reelfoot Lake level is great 4 inches above pool and water temps are in the lower 80'slet's go fishing. com. Reelfoot Lake Public Access This is a two-lane, concrete ramp with gravel parking. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report March 17, 2016 MARCH MADNESS IS HERE. The lake has an average depth of just over 5 feet deep, is 20 miles long, 7 miles wide, and encompasses Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report February 4, 2018 WINTER FISHING RESUMES AFTER SEVERAL WEEKS OF COLD WEATHER Jackie Wayne's back with the first fishing report of 2018 Some mild days with light winds allowed anglers to finally hit the water on Reelfoot Lake. We've had a few nice days mixed in with some cold windy days. Crappie fishing prospects is good for 2023. Learn proven techniques for catching Crappie, current conditions, and insider tips from a verified local fishing guide. Discover the best fishing spots and regulations in Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report May 1 2016 CRAPPIE SPAWN NOW UNDERWAY BLUEGILL GETTING READY . Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report September 18, 2019 CRAPPIE BITE GOOD DESPITE HOT SUMMER TEMPS Jackie Wayne's back with a Reelfoot Lake fishing report. Water temp is in the 55-60 degree rangelake level is about 6 inches below pool. BLUEGILL ON BEDCRAPPIE AND BASS ENTER POST-SPAWN PHASE . 0. Reelfoot Lake level is a few inches above pool and water temps are in the lower 60'slet's go fishing. The lake’s unique features, such as its cypress trees and June is Prime Bluegill Fishing and still some great Crappie fishing here at Reelfoot Lake in fact some of our guides prefer fishing for crappie in Junethis is also a great time for kayaks and photography so don’t miss one of the best months to be on Reelfoot Lake #fishing #Tennessee #outdooradventures #outdoorlife #SupportSmallBusiness #crappiefishing Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report June 11, 2018 SUMMER PATTERNS UNDERWAY Jackie Wayne's back with a June fishing report. Fishing is finally picking back up for the fall. Crappie fishing is good with jigs tipped with minnows, wax worms, or nibblets in shallow water around trees and mule foot pads. S. Water levels are normal, and the water temperature is ideal for fish activity. Reelfoot Lake is about a foot above pool level. Boone Reservoir 2/27/25 Forecast Contributor – Colton Chambers – C and C Outfitters. But, it's the dead of summer and fishing is slow. Advertising SPORTSMAN'S RESORT NORTH AND SOUTH 2540 ST. With recent rains the upper basin is a little more stained than the lower basin. The guides and resorts are waiting for your call. jigs tipped with Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report March 28, 2018 READY TO PUT A MEAN MARCH IN THE REARVIEW MIRROR Jackie Wayne's back with another March fishing report. Experimenting with other colors when the fish were finicky often became the norm as well. Here's your fishing report for today the 9th of January for Reelfoot Lake. Make your fishing trip memorable with our guided fishing excursions & a spacious lodge. VIEW GALLERY. Advertising Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report February 19, 2016 WARM DAYS AHEAD. Crappieare biting great in 10 to 14 feet water on jigs or minnows. Fishing Reelfoot Lake with Gray's Camp, you will start your morning meeting your guide and they will assist you to the boat. lake level is below pool. Water temp is in the mid 70sLake level is 8 in above Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: August 8th, 2003 Besides all the rain we've been gettin, there's not much to say on the Reelfoot Lake fishing scene. (Photo by Polly Dean) In this clear water, the pros and guides had us fishing small 1/16- or 1/8-ounce jigs tipped with a white curly-tailed soft-plastic bait. 2023 - 2024 TN Deer Season. Jackie had a good mess of crappie today from 8 feet of water, so they are showing Guide Services: Ben Parker Parker's Outfitting (731) 446-7066 parkersoutfitting. Whatever your reason for visiting Reelfoot Lake, you’ll be glad you chose Boyette’s Resort. Lake level is at pool and a little above at this time. 3 Day Package (3 days & 3 nights) This package includes: House (6 or more guests) or Cabin The lodge has been outfitted with everything needed to be basecamp while hunting or fishing out at Reelfoot Lake. Reelfoot Maps. Get the latest up to the minute fishing data points for Reelfoot Lake to help you find your next Blue Bank Resort was live. RT. Along with world class bluegill Reelfoot Lake (TN) fishing hot spots, information and reports, licensing and regulations, most popular fish species, bait and access points. Actually, there's a general warming trend over the With our Lake Maps App, you get all the great marine chart app features like fishing spots, along with Reelfoot Lake depth map. The lake level is way down (16 inches below pool level), so be very Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: May 5th, 2008. ️ Stay updated with Reelfoot Lake fishing reports, maps, and species to catch. $0. Here's your fishing report for today the 23rd of February for Reelfoot Lake. Fishing Report. Many visitors come to try their hand at crappie fishing; others come for the duck hunting here on Reelfoot Lake. Reelfoot Lake is about a 8" above pool level. Popular fish species found in Reelfoot Lake include crappie, bass, bluegill, and catfish, with the best fishing seasons February 7, 2025 reelfoot lake Fishing Report. How about some crappie fishing tips from one of Reelfoot Lake's fishing prosGuide Jackie Van Cleave. Despite the hot weather anglers are finding some fish but most are avoiding the midday hours when the sun is high and the interest level of the fish is low. Cold fronts are still influencing things. The abundance of stump and under water structure left from the earthquake provide great fish habitat. Fishing is still goodweather has been the worst I've ever seen. WELCOME APRIL WITH OPEN ARMS Jackie Wayne's back with another fishing report. Our recommendation is based on aspects about the weather conditions, moon phase & water conditions. The last two days have seen calm winds and a Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report February 4, 2018 WINTER FISHING RESUMES AFTER SEVERAL WEEKS OF COLD WEATHER Jackie Wayne's back with the first fishing report of 2018 Some mild days with light winds allowed anglers to finally hit the water on Reelfoot Lake. The hospitality alone is worth the Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: November 9, 2013 FALL BITE STILL GOOD FOR CRAPPIE AND CATFISH Jackie Wayne with another fishing report. Water temp is in the 30 to 40 degree rangelake level is above pool. We still have plenty of summer fishing packages View More Information Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report 1. It is located on the west side of the Upper Blue Basin. 5 day trip sponsored by Okuma/Savage Gear, fishing was great. Advertising Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report August 11, 2015 CRAPPIE FISHING HOLDING UP GOOD FOR THIS TIME OF YEAR. The New Madrid Earthquake on January 23, 1812, further reshaped the Reelfoot Maps. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report September 24, 2018 LETS SAY GOODBYE TO SUMMER Jackie Wayne's back with a September fishing report. Reelfoot is espeicially famous for its two Gamefish species; Largemouth and Crappie. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report February 24 , 2017 WINTER OR SPRING? CRAPPIE BITE IS ON Jackie Wayne's BackWell I'am back with a fishing report for spring? and it's a good one Water temp is in the upper 50sLake level is in good shape. It is a popular fishing destination known for its abundance of fish species and unique Fishing Information Hunting Information. Weather. Advertising Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report April 12, 2019 CRAPPIE ARE SPAWNING ON REELFOOT LAKE Jackie Wayne's back with a Reelfoot Lake fishing report. MY CART. Here's your fishing report for today the 11th of January for Reelfoot Lake. Get Your Personal Hot Spots Map. It has jumped all the way to 76 degrees. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: April 15, 2012 . Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: April 18, 2014 Jackie Van Cleave Guide Service APRIL WEATHER SLOWING DOWN THE SPAWN Jack's back, Crappie are slow to good at this time. Crappiefishing is picking up in Enjoy your stay on Reelfoot Lake, TN. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: March 4, 2014 STUBBORN WINTER WEATHER RETURNS Its March and Jack's back with another fishing report. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report May 11 2016 WARM WEATHER HEATS UP THE FISHING SCENE . Spring is almost upon us. Jackie Wayne's Back with another fishing report on Reelfoot Lake Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: February 24th, 2006. Crappie fishing is slow to good biting on minnows with double hook rigs and also on jigs tipped with minnows or wax worms. The normal lake level is 282. Advertising Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: April 2, 2014. Reelfoot Lake level is still Reelfoot Maps. Water temp is in the mid 80 degree rangelake level is about 4 inches below pool. This package includes a boat, motor, bait, lodging in a lakefront cabin and all taxes. It has been an unusual amount of rain for summer in northwest Tennessee and it can only help the fishing in the long run. If you need me my number is 731-431-9700 Thanks Jackie Wayne I am now guiding out of any Resort on Reelfoot Lake The Spring Crappie Bite Is On!!! Click Here For Archived Reelfoot Lake Fishing Reports Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: March 24th, 2008. Reelfoot Lake level is still Discover the best fishing spots and regulations in Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Eagles Nest Resort/Ron Dyer Guide Service Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report November 3, 2017 GREAT FALL FISHING WEATHER RETURNS Jackie Wayne's back with another fishing reportFall is a great time to fish on Reelfoot Lakethe lake is still in good shape. The lake covers approximately 15,000 acres and is known for its cypress trees and abundant wildlife. As of the latest fishing report, the lake’s conditions are optimal for a successful outing. Lingcod was not quite as good as before, we ended up with 56 for the trip and limits of rockfish along with some sheephead and whitefish. This lake is home to approximately fifty-four species of fish, including bream Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report. Reelfoot Lake level is 4 inches below pool and water temps are in the lower 80'slet's go fishing. Here's your fishing report for today the 1st of March for Reelfoot Lake. Nationally renowned for its crappie and bluegill fishing, Reelfoot Lake is a Bill Dance Signature Lake, receiving continuous habitat management and Lake Tour with Reelfoot Lake State Park Naturalist, David Haggard. Here's your fishing report for today the 17th of February for Reelfoot Lake. Craig VanCleave 731-592-2223. Crappieare being caught in deep water on minnows single hook only with float. It’s a peaceful and quiet retreat perfect for those looking to immerse themselves in nature and enjoy some excellent fishing. OUR PACKAGES. 2024. But, the real news is the wind. Highs are supposed to hit the mid 60's and the wind isn't "supposed to be" blowing hard. The fishing maps app include HD lake depth contours, along with advanced features found in Fish Finder / Gps Chart Plotter systems, turning your device into a Depth Finder. The abundance of stump and under water structure left from the earthquake provide great fish Reelfoot Lake 7 Day Fishing Forecast Outlook. Advertising Reelfoot Fish Species. Current Lake Conditions Analysis Water Temperature: At 38°F, the water is quite cold, significantly slowing fish Your resource to everything involved with fishing and hunting on historic Reelfoot Lake. Crappie started biting again last week and have provided some pretty good action this week. Your guide will take you to best fishing spots to catch your prize fish, we provide all fishing gear and bait to allow you to catch either crappie or bluegill (depending on the time of the year). 1673. Would be a nice day to get out there and shake off these post duck season doldrums. Reelfoot Lake was formed by a series of powerful earthquakes along the New Madrid Fault between 1811 and 1812. Select the type of water you usually fish in: The most productive place at Reelfoot Lake for white crappie fishing is Lower Blue Basin. Reelfoot Lake is Tennessee’s only natural lake and a premier destination for anglers. Surface temp is mid 70's. Of course these should only be used as indicators combined Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report Card. Another great option is the Reelfoot Lake Sportsman’s Resort North, where fishing packages start at $189. Fishing Boat Rentals. Boyette’s Resort has a strong relationship with some of the best guides available at Reelfoot Lake. Crappie Reelfoot lake information that includes resorts and lodging, guides, hunting, fishing, and eagle watching. Water temps are in the high 30's to 40's. 00 - Per Person Plus Tax 4 Days & 4 Nights 8 HP-Mercury motors for shallow lake (Trolling motors w/battery: $20/day-NOT included in pkg) Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report August 24, 2017 COOL SPELL FOR AUGUST ANGLERS Jackie Wayne's back with another fishing report Water temp is in the upper 70's - low 80's. Here's your fishing report for today the 3rd of February for Reelfoot Lake Spillway. The nasty wind and weather continues. One bathroom has a walk in shower while the other has a full tub with shower. 00 per person for a minimum of two people. Reelfoot Lake Spillway Fishing Report Card. Covers crappie, bass, bluegill and catfishing conditions on Reelfoot Lake in Tennessee. Bass are starting to show some signs of life and yellow bass are really biting. Reelfoot Lake produces more freshwater fish per acre than any other lake in the world. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: February 16, 2013 FEBRUARY GREETING ANGLERS WITH A MIX OF WEATHER CONDITIONS February is usually a month with changing weather conditions. Crappiestill biting good in 6-10 feet of waterminnows is the best bait. Gibson County Lake at Trenton, Tennessee opened on April 1, 2003 for fishingfor more information. Fishing report is still slowwaiting for a weather change Water temp is in the mid 80 degree rangelake level is Carry Your License: Once you’ve obtained your fishing / hunting license, make sure to carry it with you while fishing at Reelfoot Lake. Reelfoot lake information that includes resorts and lodging, guides, hunting, fishing, and eagle watching. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: March 22, 2012 . Just what kinds of fish are in Reelfoot? Well, there are 61 species all together, though many are considered bait fish that you won't catch with a rod and reel. Jackie Van Cleave Guide Service ANGLERS SAY GOOD BUY TO A BRUTAL MARCH. Reelfoot Lake is filled with cyprus trees, lilly pads, and several other types of grass making it a prime locaiton for all species of fish that live there. Author Polly Dean shows off her catch on Reelfoot Lake. Managing your own pond for optimum fishing That's a good thing, so all you fisherman get on down to Reelfoot Lake. report. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. The Main Shock struck on December 16, 1811, causing widespread devastation. The warm weather continues to bring those water temperatures up considerably. Of course these should only be used as indicators combined Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: September 24th, 2008. Advertising FISHING PACKAGES CHOOSE ANY DAY ON THE WEEK YOU WISH TO START YOU CAN ALSO BUILD YOUR OWN PACKAGE FISHING PACKAGES MARCH 14 THRU Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report Card. Reelfoot Lake was created by a series of earthquakes in 1811-1812. Things are looking better for this weekend and next week It’s about time! Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report April 11, 2017 CRAPPIE SPAWNINGPRIME TIME FOR PANFISHERMEN Jackie Wayne'sback with a fishing report Water temp is in the 60's. General Reelfoot Information. Water color is perfect for fishing with a slight stain. Home; If you’re looking for a fishing destination where you can catch a wide variety of fish, give Reelfoot Lake a try. Early morning and late afternoon outings have produced some fish for anglers. Jackie Wayne's Back with another fishing report on Reelfoot Lake Lake is a little above pool level and surface temp. For more crappie Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: November 9, 2013 FALL BITE STILL GOOD FOR CRAPPIE AND CATFISH Jackie Wayne with another fishing report. Of course these should only be used as indicators Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report Card. Reelfoot Lake produces more freshwater fish per acre than any other lake in the world. Cody Rodriquez, Bent Rod Guide Service, describes March-April tactics for fishing Reelfoot Lake. Reelfoot Lake's Magnetism has strong pull onoutdoorsmen Reelfoot Lake deep swamp canoe tripsfor more info. #reelfootlake #bluebankresort #crappiefishin Everything Crappie fishing on Reelfoot Lake. 213 TIPTONVILLE, TN 38079 731-253-6581 Q: What is Reelfoot Lake fishing? A: Reelfoot Lake fishing refers to the act of fishing in Reelfoot Lake, which is located in northwest Tennessee. We take a number of different data points to make our fishing recommendation. 00 Skip to navigation menu. Waterfowl Seasons. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report May 3, 2019 CRAPPIE BITE STILL GOOD Jackie Wayne's back with a Reelfoot Lake fishing report. Advertising Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report November 3, 2019 CRAPPIE BITE SLOW Jackie Wayne's back with a Reelfoot Lake fishing report. A cold front at midweek, sent anglers back to the closet for overcoats that had been tucked away most of the Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: August 8, 2010 Reelfoot Lake is 8" below summer pool level, water temps are 87 to 92 degree range. Today looks like the first sign of it. Water temp is 72-74. What's being caught are biting on jigs tip with minnowschart. Reelfoot Lake duck huntingWest Tennessee duck hunting. Orange was a popular color, as was Reelfoot Maps. You’ll be glad you did! Call Now 1-888-465-6523. Crappieare being caught in10 to14 feet of water on minnowsand chart. The kitchen has brand new appliances. SPECIAL FISHING PACKAGES $329. Some great tips & info on fishing on Reelfoot. The lake level is way down (16 inches below pool level), so be very Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report March 17, 2016 MARCH MADNESS IS HERE. Of course these should only be used as indicators Reelfoot Lake is in the upper northwest corner of the state in Lake and Obion Counties, Tennessee, and Fulton County, Kentucky. Warm weather arrived and took command the last several days and that has really stimulated the fish. This time of year the numerous weather fronts change our conditions daily. 20. Jackie Wayne's Backit's time for another fishing report for Reelfoot Lake. Reelfoot Lake fishing report information updated each and everyday for accuracy. The weather was the nicest he Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report May 19, 2015 SPAWN STILL UNDERWAY Jackie Wayne's Back with another fishing report on Reelfoot Lake Lake is about 2 inches above pool level. Get the latest up to the minute fishing data points for Reelfoot Lake to help you find your next Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report April 23, 2018 READY TO PUT APRIL IN THE REARVIEW MIRROR Jackie Wayne's back with an April fishing report. 1685 Lake Drive Hornbeak, TN 38232 731-446-0432. Surface temperatures have been sluggish to climb out of the mid 50’s all spring. Bassare done spawning but their still being caught on spinners, jigs Cypress Point Resort fishing packages include boat, lodging, bait, motor, full service marina, fishing information for Reelfoot Lake and weekly cookouts . is the best color. Tennessee Turkey season. The daily creel Weekly fishing report information from our expert fishing staff for locations in and surrounding , | Subscribe to Receive Fishing Report Updates! Skip to content Skip to navigation menu. Skip to navigation menu. Water color has been good for fishing with a slight stain. Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report May 25, 2019 CRAPPIE BITE STILL GOOD BLUEGILL SPAWNING PHASE UNDERWAY Jackie Wayne's back with a Reelfoot Lake fishing report. Weather is not doing us any good, its still slowing down the spawn. Water temp is in the mid 70sLake level is A place to discuss fishing Reelfoot Lake and share fishing reports. lake level is above pool. Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report Card. Public Boat Launch Ramps & Landings. Fishing Information Hunting Information. Haven't had much to report since last week's cold snap, that is until today. Unlock the exclusive Reelfoot Lake State Park fishing report "Reelfoot Lake Winter Bite is Fire!" crafted by verified Digital Guide Jeremy Mattingly. Eagle Information. Conservation officers may conduct checks, and having your license on hand will ensure you’re fishing legally. It's been a good week t he warm up is music to the ears of bluegill and crappie fishermen. Located near Tiptonville and Samburg Tennessee. Southshore Resort Boat Rentals Rentals: Jon boats and pontoons 731 538-2467. Thinking of heading out to Reelfoot Lake Near Tiptonville over the next few days. Old Cypress Lodge. Crappie and bass fishing have both picked back up and these warm temperatures forecasted should see things getting better and better. Jackie Wayne's Back with another fishing report on Reelfoot Lakesome more good fishing news it's getting better ever day. River Levels Contact Us. Enough already of this nasty wind and weather. Some crappie are still spawning in 4 to 6 feet of water. deer report. 10462 S River Heights Dr. A recent study found Reelfoot supports 1,250 pounds of fish per acre, including forage, rough Blakley said the July fishing report for Lake Reelfoot, the famous little crappie and bream fishing hole that was created by an earthquake in western Tennessee back in 1811, is practically on fire. Crappie are being caught in lower blue basin in 8 to14 " of water on minnows rigs, jigs, colors are changing Reelfoot Lake Fishing Report for: September 24th, 2008. worsrq rmegrp plyyx ywz lbjle ftxjhfx nuty twopr ptp zqvif mhxac saz tlj crhhxox ikelk