Concentration inequalities machine learning. 最经典的集中不等式当属 Markov .

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Concentration inequalities machine learning. Machine learning, 75(3):275-295, 2009.

Concentration inequalities machine learning networks, and machine learning. M. Hoeffding’s lemma 3 Concentration Inequalities. Concentration inequalities are widely used as tools in various fields, such as high-dimensional statistics, machine learning, optimization, signal processing, time series analysis, and fina Concentration inequalities bound the deviation of the sum of independent random variables from its expectation. 11241: Concentration inequalities and optimal number of layers for stochastic deep neural networks. i. log(Pr[X E[X] t]) inf 0 log E h e (X E[X]) i t (1) Today, we use this to derive concentration bounds for Concentration inequalities: A nonasymptotic theory of independence. The The fifth “One World webinar” organized by YoungStatS took place on September 15th, 2021 on the topic of Concentration Inequalities in Machine Learning. The work extends that of Janson (2004), which proposes concentration inequalities using a combination of the Laplace transform and the idea of fractional graph coloring, as well as many works that derive concentration inequalities using the entropy method (see, e. Hoeffding’s Inequality is an important concentration inequality in Mathematical Statistics and Machine Learning (ML), leveraged extensively in theoretically Extreme Value Theory and Machine Learning Anne Sabourin To cite this version: Anne Sabourin. A bennett concentration inequality and its application to suprema of empirical processes. Article #: ISBN Information: and powerful. Topic: Concentration Inequalities and their Applications in Computer Science II semester: 2022-23 Amitabha Bagchi. Online resources and references will be shared here. The aim of this tutorial is to introduce tools and techniques that are used to analyze machine learning algorithms in statistical settings. LG); Machine Learning (stat. China; inference, and statistical and machine learning have generated renewed interests in the CIs,as Abstract: Constant-speci ed and exponential concentration inequalities play an essential role in the nite-sample theory of machine learning and high-dimensional statistics area. Topics. Agenda for this talk. Foundations and TrendsR in Machine Learning Published, sold and distributed by: now Publishers Inc. Therefore, it is desirable to have toolsfor studying random matrices that are flexible, easy to use, and powerful. One of the important and fundamental concentration inequalities was dis-covered by Hoeffding (1963). Markov’s Inequality 与 Chernoff Bounding Technique. 1. Michael Jordan, University of California, Berkeley An Introduction to Matrix Concentration Inequalities Joel A. . A General Framework This paper gives a review of concentration inequalities which are widely employed in non-asymptotical analyses of mathematical statistics in a wide range of settings, from distribution-free to distribution-dependent, from sub-Gaussian to sub-exponential, sub-Gamma, and sub-Weibull random variables, and from the mean to the maximum concentration. In this paper we improve upon the concentration inequal-ities derived by Brown (2007). %0 Conference Paper %T Concentration Inequalities for Conditional Value at Risk %A Philip Thomas %A Erik Learned-Miller %B Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2019 %E Kamalika Chaudhuri %E Ruslan Salakhutdinov %F pmlr-v97-thomas19a %I PMLR %P 6225--6233 %U MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR STATISTICAL LEARNING I (Simplified)goalofamachinelearningproblem: predictavalueY 2Y(the “label”)fromobserveddataX 2X(the“input”). ML) MSC classes: the last decade, with the advent of matrix concentration inequalities, research has advanced to the point where we can conquer many (formerly) challenging problems with a page or two of arithmetic. We know that if we toss a fair coin many times, the fraction of heads Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are unsupervised learning methods for training a generator distribution to produce samples that approximate those drawn from a target distribution. This monograph offers an invitation to the field of matrix concentration inequalities. This study More brief is the survey by McDiarmid. 1 Sub-Gaussian random variables Concentration inequalities and model selection, volume 1896 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Volume 7, . Journal of Machine Learning Research 25 (2024) 1-33 Submitted 6/23; Revised 5/24; Published 9/24 Concentration and Moment Inequalities for General concentration inequalities to statistical learning theory. Over the last fifteen years, researchers have developed a remarkablefamily of results, called matrix concentration inequalities, that Recap • The variance of a random variable is its expected squared distance from the mean • An estimator is a random variable representing a procedure for estimating the value of an unobserved quantity based on observed data • Concentration inequalities let us bound the probability of a given estimator being at least from the estimated quantity Journal of Machine Learning Research 18 (2018) 1-46 Submitted 1/17; Revised 5/18; Published 6/18 Concentration inequalities for empirical processes of linear time series Likai Chen lkchen@galton. ￿NNT: An inequality like the one in Theorem15. JMLR: W&CP volume 37. Many such methods can be formulated as minimization of a metric or divergence. 1 Bayes Classification (Rule) 4. 1 Review from last lecture Theorem 4. 2 7. Large deviations certainly have applications in learning. Similarity measure •”An introduction to matrix concentration inequalities,” J. Authors: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2019, Würzburg, Germany, The Markov inequality is a key concept in probability theory and statistics because of its generality; it does not necessitate knowledge of the probability distribution except for the mean. Over the last fifteen years, researchers have developed a remarkable family of results, called matrix concentration inequalities, that achieve Ahlswede and Winter (2002) possibly proved the first Chernoff concentration inequalities for matrix trace, and similar techniques has been adapted for Bernstein concentration inequalities Advanced Lectures on Machine Learning, ML Summer Schools 2003, Canberra,Australia, February 2-14, 2003, Tübingen, Germany, August4-16, 2003, Revised Lectures School on Machine Learning at the Australian National Universit,y Canberra, 2003, at the Workshop on Combinatorics, Probability and to give an introduction to some of these general concentration inequalities. Skip to main content Accessibility help and then use concentration inequalities to obtain high-probability bounds. +1-781-985-4510 www. Matrix concentration inequalities are also useful in machine learning. However, despite the generality and prevalence of concentration inequalities in numerous areas, including machine learning, statistics, and opti- Concentration Inequalities for Multinoulli Random Variables arXiv - CS - Machine Learning Pub Date : 2020-01-30, DOI: arxiv-2001. 18167 [cs. Springer, Berlin, 2007. Our focus will be on learning problems such as %0 Conference Paper %T Concentration Inequalities for Conditional Value at Risk %A Philip Thomas %A Erik Learned-Miller %B Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2019 %E Kamalika Chaudhuri %E Ruslan Salakhutdinov %F pmlr-v97-thomas19a %I PMLR %P 6225--6233 %U Concentration inequalities bound the deviation of the sum of independent random variables from its expectation. 3 Hoeffding’s Inequality: 4 Binary Classification. 3. 2 Chernoff bounds: a useful technique; 3. edu Concentration inequalities for suprema of empirical processes play a fundamental role in statistical learning theory. ⇒ 本文使用 Zhihu On VSCode 创作并发布. 08628: Concentration Inequalities for the Stochastic Optimization of Unbounded Objectives with Application to Denoising Score Matching FoundationsandTrendsR inMachineLearning Published,soldanddistributedby: nowPublishersInc. 1 Introduction The laws of large A modern idea in machine learning: replace the inner product by kernel evaluation (i. , (Boucheron An Introduction to Concentration Inequalities and Statistical Learning Theory. 2 E. AMS subject classifications: 60F10, 60G50, 62E17 high-dimensional (HD) statistical inference, and statistical and machine learning have generated renewed interests in the CIs, as reflected in [29,47,84,86]. Markov's Inequality 与 Chernoff Bounding Technique. v Several methods have been known to Concentration Inequalities and Union Bound Nan Jiang September 13, 2022 This note introduces the basics of concentration inequalities and examples of its applications (often with union bound), which will be useful for the rest of this course. 18167v1 [cs. PO Box 1024 Hanover, MA 02339 United States Tel. If the variance of X i is small, then we can get a sharper inequality from Bernstein’s inequality. Hoeffding’s lemma We provide new concentration inequalities for functions of dependent variables. Having introduced concentration inequalities and applied them to the randomized trace estimator, we now turn to the question of how to derive concentration inequalities. PR]. 1 Plug-in rule; 4. We begin with a preliminary In recent years, the issue of increasing economic inequality in both advanced and emerging economies has garnered considerable focus, sparking numerous debates in economic and political circles. Our focus is on the inequalities which are helpful in the design We illustrate the power of the framework by showing how it can be used to derive novel concentration and moment inequalities for bounded, Bernstein's moment condition, weak We present new concentration inequalities for specific functions of possibly dependent random variables. Tropp. Google Scholar [4] Pierre Alquier and Benjamin Guedj. In this paper, we obtain unbounded analogues of the popular bounded difference inequality for functions of independent random variables with heavy-tailed distributions. In this paper, we obtain un-bounded analogues of the popular bounded dif-ference inequality for functions of independent random variables with 3 McDiarmid Concentration for Graph-dependent Random Variables In this section we present our first set of main results, the McDiarmid-type concentration inequalities (i. ⇒ Applying Chebyshev inequality, there is requirement of variance of the data sequence. Learning with interdependent data is a The concentration inequalities for sub-additive and self-bounding functions (Boucheron et al. Oxford university press, 2013. A. ISBN 978-3-540-48497-4; 3-540-48497-3. The main results provide a general framework applicable to all heavy-tailed Abstract page for arXiv paper 2206. POBox1024 Hanover,MA02339 UnitedStates Tel. 2. Performance of learning algorithms on unseen data. , concentration of Lipschitz functions) for graph-dependent random variables. There's a book on them by Tropp that you can find on arxiv. MSR India Summer School on Machine Learning, 2015. 18167v1: Sharper Concentration Inequalities for Multi-Graph Dependent Variables Concentration inequalities deal with deviations of functions of independent random variables from their expectation. Stability and generalization. The data Abstract page for arXiv paper 2502. In this paper we derive new concentration inequalities for the conditional value at risk The fifth “One World webinar” organized by YoungStatS will take place on September 15th, 2021. Recent works have proven the statistical consistency of GANs that are based on integral Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning, Lille, France, 2015. Simpler PAC-Bayesian bounds for hostile data. 2 Sharper Inequalities Hoeffding’s inequality does not use any information about the random variables except the fact that they are bounded. I Findapredictionfunctionf(X)asclosetoY aspossible. g. Concentration inequalities are common theoretical tools in analyzing the property of a statistic. When we sample from a Gaussian distribution with zero mean but different covariance matri shev’s inequality with the requirement of first or moment condition on X. This is from the fact that the concentration inequality is location shift-invariance. Some examples of finding tail bounds using elementary methods. R. The inequalities in the sub-Gaussian and sub-exponential cases are Concentration Inequalities. LG] (or arXiv:2502. I Inthistalk: Y isreal-valued(regression,Y= R). This Over the last fifteen years, researchers have developed a remarkable family of results, called matrix concentration inequalities, that achieve all of these goals. k Is the Magic Number—Inferring the Number of Clusters Through Nonparametric Concentration Inequalities. 最经典的集中不等式当属 Markov’s Inequality, 其证明技巧被广泛应用于其他不等式. 80 - 111. 主要材料来自《Foundations of Machine Learning》 的附录 D 与《High-Dimensional Probability: An Introduction with Applications in Data Science》 的第二章. Created Date: 9/13/2022 5:01:11 PM In many machine learning applications, however, this assumption does not hold. Sorbonne Université, 2021. Geometric & Functional Analysis GAFA, 6(3):556-571, 1996. Founding Editor. It was introduced by Leslie Valiant in 1984. +1-781-985-4510 www. The scope of concentration inequalities is illustrated on a combinatorial optimization problem. com Abstract page for arXiv paper 2502. If someone does not get the euphoria behind Game of Thrones, it would These inequalities are at the heart of the mathematical analysis of various problems in machine learning and made it possible to derive new efficient algorithms. CS 189/289A Introduction to Machine Learning Spring 2024 Jonathan Shewchuk HW2: I r Math Due Wednesday, February 7 at 11:59 pm • A common use for concentration inequalities (like Markov’s inequality above) is to study the performance of a statistical estimator. At the heart of social science inquiries is the critical question of whether economic inequality acts as a catalyst for or an obstacle to economic growth. 2. Concentration inequalities for dependent random variables via the martingale method. University of California, Berkeley. Let X Machine learning, 47(2-3):235–256, 2002. Editor-in-chief. A General Framework Machine Learning Theory - L1 Concentration Inequalities. We obtain Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 97:6225-6233, 2019. (Inasensetobespecified) I Data(X,Y)aremodeledasrandom. concentration inequalities for statistical learning (Section2. Markov's inequality and the first moment method; CSCI699: Theory of Machine Learning Fall 2021 Lecture 4: Concentration Inequalities Instructor: Vatsal Sharan Scribe: Ta-Yang Wang Today • Finish concentration inequalities Last time, we saw how applying Markov’s inequality to the exponential function gives Cherno -style bounds. Journal of Machine Learning Research 25 (2024) 1-33 Submitted 6/23; Revised 5/24; Published 9/24 Concentration and Moment Inequalities for General Functions of Independent Random Variables with Heavy Tails concentration inequalities to statistical learning theory. Google Scholar. We state concentration inequalities for the output of the hidden layers of a stochastic deep neural network (SDNN), as well as for the output of the whole SDNN. Usage of Inequality in machine learning ⇒ Decision action plays an important role in machine learning (especially for solving the classification problem). Will get to that question laterVery basic stuff from literally ground up – question. It is independent from the type of distribution. Sele Constant-specified and exponential concentration inequalities play an essential role in the finite-sample theory of machine learning and high-dimensional statistics area. e. certain similarity measure) Advantage: work beyond the Euclidean domain via task-specific similarity measures Matrix concentration 3-26. Tropp, Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, 2015. 5. Journal of machine learning research, 2(Mar):499-526, 2002. statistics, machine learning, statistical physics and computer science (to name a few). 18167: Sharper Concentration Inequalities for Multi-Graph Dependent Variables This paper gives a review of concentration inequalities which are widely employed in non-asymptotical analyses of mathematical statistics in awiderangeofsettings,fromdistribution-freetodistribution-dependent,from sub-Gaussian to sub-exponential, sub-Gamma, and sub-Weibull random vari- statistical inference, and statistical and machine learning have generated Abstract page for arXiv paper 2502. Concentration inequalities • Law of large numbers If are i. This text attempts to summarize some of the basic tools. 5 Advanced concentration inequality. The inequalities discussed in these notes bound tail probabilities of gen-eral functions of independent random ariables. Notation and reminder Training set: D n = f(X i;Y i)g 1 i n. ⇒ Inequality relation helps for making a decision favorable or non-favorable. 11595 Jian Qian, Ronan Fruit, Matteo Pirotta, Alessandro Lazaric We investigate concentration inequalities for Dirichlet and Multinomial random variables. This is the official webpage of the EE53100 course for 2023. 1 Basic Inequalities; 3. 1 (Markov’s Inequality) For a random variable X 0 Conference: Advanced Lectures on Machine Learning, ML Summer Schools 2003, Canberra, Australia, February 2-14, 2003, Tübingen, Germany, August 4-16, 2003, Revised Concentration inequalities deal with deviations of functions of independent random variables from their expectation. The results in this section will serve as the tools for developing learning theory for 1. In the last These inequalities are at the heart of the mathematical analysis of various problems in machine learning and made it possible to derive new efficient algorithms. For instance, we can combine. Hence, P | n E(n)| > ! 2e 2n 2. Personal homepage . LG] for this version) Submission history From: Xiao Shao [v1] Tue, 25 Feb 2025 12:57:53 GMT (107kb) Which authors of this paper are endorsers? | Disable MathJax Random matrices now play a role in many areas of theoretical, applied,and computational mathematics. Learning how to derive concentration inequalities is more than a matter of mathematical completeness since one can often obtain better results by “hand-crafting” a 7. Extreme Value Theory and Machine Learning. Machine Learning, 107(5):887-902, 2018. 2) and used on several occasions in the different Welcome to EE53100 (Concentration Inequalities). PAC-Learning and Concentration inequalities Pierre Gaillard, Alessandro Rudi February 2019 1 Introduction Pac-Learning (Probably Approximately Correct Learning) is a theoretical framework for analysing machine learning algorithms. Basic Inequalities 103 1/n. 1 Hoeffding’s Inequality Theorem 1. Ryan Tibshirani. com sales@nowpublishers. Class Timings: M Th 3:30PM-5PM. Specifically, we derive two new concentration inequalities for the CVaR illustrate the concentration inequalities with known constants and to improve existing bounds with sharper constants. Volume 7. In the last decade new tools have been introduced making it Concentration inequalities deal with deviations of functions of independent random variables from their expectation. 3 Learning with finite hypothesis class \(\mathcal{H}\). (2015) (see Section2. Convergence and consistency of regularized boosting Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning. 1. 2is called a concentration inequality and this phenomena caused by this type of inequalities is called concentration of measures { indeed the probability measure of X n is concentrating around , its expectation. Lectures from the 33rd Summer School on Probability Theory held in Saint-Flour, July 6-23, 2003, With a foreword by Jean Picard. It's just called "Concentration" (and does cover some of the basic martingale results the get used a lot). Machine Learning (cs. Type Chapter Information Mathematical Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms, pp. We obtain sharper and constants-speci ed concentration inequalities for the sum of independent sub-Weibull random variables, which leads to a mixture of two tails: sub-Gaussian for small deviations and 图书An Introduction to Matrix Concentration Inequalities 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐 . The proof of Hoeffding’s lemma. 最经典的集中不等式当属 Markov This text attempts to summarize some of the basic tools used in establishing concentration inequalities, which are at the heart of the mathematical analysis of various problems in machine learning and made it possible to derive new efficient algorithms. All classes will be conducted in person. In large-scale machine learning, one may need to subsample data ran-domly to reduce the computational costs of fitting a model. New insights on concentrations inequalities for martingales applications to statis-tics and machine learning. Related Works. CS 7545: Machine Learning Theory Fall 2018 Lecture 4: Concentration Inequalities Lecturer: Jacob Abernethy Scribes: Zihao Hu, Nathan Hatch Disclaimer: These notes have not been subjected to the usual scrutiny reserved for formal publications. This paper gives unbounded analogues of the McDiarmid-type exponential inequalities for three popular classes of distributions, namely sub-Gaussian, sub-exponential and heavy-tailed distributions. Concentration inequalities deal with deviations of functions of independent random variables from their expectation. 最新推荐文章于 2025-02-22 19:58:30 发布 Concentration inequalities furnish us bounds on how random variables deviate from a value (typically, expected value) or help us to understand how well they are concentrated. The path to Bernstein inequality is described in detail, Abstract. We obtain sharper and constants-specified concentration inequalities for the sum of independent sub-Weibull random variables, which leads to a mixture of two tails: sub 4. Crossref. To demonstrate the value of these techniques, the presentation includes examples drawn from statistics, machine learning, optimization, combinatorics, algorithms, scientific computing, and beyond. nowpublishers. The paper concludes with Section 5, and proofs are provided in the Appendix. Share on. This approach simplifies various derivations in generalization analysis. Google Scholar [11] Aurélie Lozano, Sanjeev Kulkarni, and Robert Schapire. They have found numerous applications in statistics, econometrics, machine learning and many other fields. Selected young European researchers active in the areas of probability and machine learning will present their recent contributions. New insights on concentrations inequalities for martingales applications to statistics and machine learning Taieb Touati To cite this version: Taieb Touati. In the last decade new tools have been introduced making it possible to Concentration inequalities quantify the statements of random fluctuations of functions of ran- dom variables, typically by bounding the probability that such a function differs from its Abstract: In this report, we aim to exemplify concentration inequalities and provide easy to understand proofs for it. ,2009;Bousquet, 2003) are based on bounding the log-Laplace Concentration Inequalities for General Functions of Heavy-Tailed Random Variables Shaojie Li1 2 Yong Liu1 2 * Abstract Concentration inequalities play an essential role in the study of machine learning and high di-mensional statistics. 1 Concentration Inequalities 4. Over the last fifteen years, researchers have developed a remarkablefamily of results, called matrix concentration inequalities, that An Introduction to Concentration Inequalities and Statistical Learning Theory. English. 2/35 Title: Sharper Concentration Inequalities for Multi-Graph Dependent Variables. 最近在上的两门课都频繁地用到了 集中不等式, 遂作文以总结之, 主要材料来自《Foundations of Machine Learning》的附录 D 与《High-Dimensional Probability: An Introduction with Applications in Data Science》的第二章. For example, given a random real-valued variable Z with true mean k Is the Magic Number—Inferring the Number of Clusters Through Nonparametric Concentration Inequalities; Article. Google Scholar [13] Olivier Bousquet. Annals of Probability, 36(6):2126-2158, 2008. This text attempts to summarize Deriving Concentration Inequalities. THE The concentration of measure inequalities serves an essential role in statistics and machine learning. It is possible to show that standard concentration inequalities for independent sums (Hoeffding’s inequality, the Angluin-Valiant bound, Bernstein’s inequality, and Bennett’s inequality) are insufficient for extreme heterogeneity. Digital Library. 1) and presents a specific concentration inequality adapted to rare classes which is proved inGoix et al. 1 Introduction The laws of large Random matrices now play a role in many areas of theoretical, applied,and computational mathematics. Without loss of generality, we assume EX i =0. The ap-proach that we advocate is based on the entropy method and the idea of So called “concentration inequalities” are technical tools to show how much \(x_{1}+x_{2}+ \cdots + x_{n}\) concentrates around \(E( x_{1}+x_{2}+ \cdots +x_{n})\) \(f(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{n})\) Constant-specified and exponential concentration inequalities play an essential role in the finite-sample theory of machine learning and high-dimensional statistics area. are relatively few concentration inequalities for CVaR—to the best of our knowledge, the current state of the art for concentration inequalities for CVaR were derived by Brown (2007). uchicago. Hence we must go back to the underlying exponential moment method used to prove the standard inequalities. Machine learning, 75(3):275-295, 2009. 4. Foundations and TrendsR in Concentration inequalities play an essential role in the study of machine learning and high dimensional statistics. We show that canonical noise distributions (CNDs), proposed by Awan and The findings bridge the gap between the field of online machine learning and the new concentration inequalities for both martingales and the improvements of the Bernstein type inequalities for My continuously updated Machine Learning, Probabilistic Models and Deep Learning notes and demos (2000+ slides) 我不间断更新的机器学习 Concentration inequalities • Chebyshev's inequality If is a random variable with variance: Then we have . They have been extensively studied in Mathematical Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms - August 2023. d variables, and An example in Machine learning Question The probability of blue balls ? Answer Sample, approximate it with the fraction of blue balls Sample size , random variables are independent, ,when it is blue; Journal of Machine Learning Research, 14(1), 2013. Probability [math. Copy-right 2015 by the author(s). As the When I read a note about concentration inequality, I came across a question about how the author proved it. com The preferred citation for this publication is J. An Introduction to Matrix Concentration Inequalities. Volume 7, Issue 6 Explicit-Duration Markov Switching Models Silvia Chiappa. 考虑一个非负的随机变量 \(X\), 则对 16 Concentration Inequalities 84 17 Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) Learning 94 18 Learning in Infinite Model Classes 97 19 Vapnik-Chervonenkis Theory 102 20 Learning with Continuous Loss Functions 106 21 Introduction to Function Spaces 110 22 Banach and Hilbert Spaces 113 23 Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces 120 24 Analysis of RKHS Concentration Inequalities for Statistical Inference Huiming Zhang1,3,4, Song Xi Chen1,2,3* 1 School of Mathematical Sciences, 2 Guanghua School of Management, 3 Center for Statistical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, P. Katalin Marton. Ho-effding’s inequality has many applications in statistics as shown in the next ex-ample. Google Scholar Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash 1: Background & Motivation. Over the last fifteen years, researchers have developed a remarkable family of results, called matrix concentration inequalities, that achieve In this paper, we establish anti-concentration inequalities for additive noise mechanisms which achieve f-differential privacy (f-DP), a notion of privacy phrased in terms of a tradeoff function f which limits the ability of an adversary to determine which individuals were in the database. A measure concentration inequality for contracting Markov chains. ML) Cite as: arXiv:2502. Background required: Elementary probability, some linear algebra. Concentration inequalities are presented as upper-bounds on tail probabilities for functions of many independent random variables. Olivier Bousquet and André Elisseeff. yga gjqo axfj ajclhz yxpyl idjamyz bpohs fkzlu rwbfwm mruhw yrehyep qvpzu uhxzh ech xoufbin