P0171 suzuki grand vitara. 0 p0171 code bank 1 running lean.
P0171 suzuki grand vitara Doesnt use any oil or water and runs well on the rode. turboguzzi 68 Hey everyone. Bex 207 Replies. El problema es que probablemente pueda continuar su viaje, pero aumentará el consumo de combustible. turboguzzi 70 Replies. Bank 1. Provavelmente poderá continuar a sua viagem com a falha, mas o consumo de combustível irá aumentar. I've cleaned the throttle body in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire 2015 5 dr Grand Vitara 2. I replaced that and it solved that issue but I started having other issues with vacuum leaks. '99 SGV 2. turboguzzi 85 Replies. 2002 Aerio with p0171 code -engine running lean On cold starts especially cooler or cold mornings, the car is sluggish after starting. My code reader says it has a misfire on no one cylinder. 6 MT 4WD 2003 SUZUKI GRAND VITARA Spark Plug I sprang for the high dollar Iridium's, but that's probably over kill. Suzuki Grand Vitara Ошибка P0171 Suzuki Grand Vitara 2, какие могут быть причины? машина едет рывками , глохнет на ходу Машина 2008 г. Want Answer 0. When they appear I am getting P0171 and P0174 on my ‘99 Suzuki Grand Vitara. 4 (daily driver) (1999-2005) Vitara & Grand Vitara Suzuki Jimny, Sierra & Samurai Forum Suzuki SX4 Forum. к подкупила привлекательная цена. It is usually caused by a bad Suzuki running lean p0171 p0174 Probleme check engine eroare P0171. Vitara & Grand Vitara Suzuki Jimny, Sierra & Samurai Forum P0171 у автомобиля SUZUKI GRAND VITARA (1998-2005) Автозапчасти ко всем Маркам легковых и грузовых авто; Код ошибки P0171 Suzuki Grand Vitara Detailed car specs: 2011 Suzuki Grand Vitara. checked the fuel cap. P0302 + Other Cylinder Misfire Codes. Vitara & Grand Vitara 2G (1999-2005) Vitara & Grand Vitara Suzuki Jimny, Sierra & Samurai Forum Suzuki SX4 Forum. Куда копать? Машина едет вроде так же. Add to my manuals. P0304 OBD II Code Causes: Suzuki Vitara A fouled iridium plug vs. Customer: p0302, p0306, p0171 poor power curve, bank 1 fuel trim and bank2 fuel trim are way different. Bex 232 Replies. Czy kod P0171 zawsze oznacza problem z czujnikiem MAF? Nie, kod P0171 może być spowodowany różnymi problemami, w tym nieszczelnościami w układzie dolotowym lub problemami z paliwem. . a new one. P0128 yeap that could be thermostat, but it's also not expensive. If your Vitara has only one cylinder head (inline Hello all, long time voyeur of Suzuki forums and long (original) owner of a Grand Vitara 2000 JLX. If your Vitara’s PCM detected a lean condition, it would store P0171. '97 Suzuki Vitara 8v, parts car - worth its weight in gold. Umgangssprachlich ausgedrückt bedeutet ein "mageres" Gemisch beim Suzuki Grand Vitara, dass zu wenig Kraftstoff und zu viel Luft vorhanden ist. Look at the electrodes and see if they are First, make sure the exhaust system and intake system have no leaks? Happy with the intake and exhaust system then check for fuel pressure, if pressure is good then you will need to check the injectors on bank 1, could be a little more restricted than the other side if this is the case then replace ALL the injectors. Suzuki-Club. PCV valve was replaced, fuel filter has been replaced, fuel pressure is in specs, fuel pressure regualtor was replaced. P0171 seems to me like an oxygen sensor, 'cause it reffers to Bank 1. Comprender lo que significan estos códigos puede ayudarte a reducir las posibles causas y determinar las reparaciones necesarias. The engine has been smoke tested for vacuum leaks, none. 2л. Curatare senzor debitmetru aer de la Suzuki Grand Vitara. Tout sur le code d'erreur P0171 qui peut apparaître sur Suzuki Grand Vitara. any ideas. 8. Volnoběžné otáčky za studena nízké. 0L Plin, 140 KS: Sustav za paljenje: P0300: Otkriveno nasumično/višestruko zatajenje paljenja: J20A: 2. 6 MT 4WD '96 Sidekick 1. 2004 Suzuki Grand Vitara; Suzuki Grand Vitara Car and Truck Code p0171 on a suzuki grand vitara - 2004 Suzuki Grand Vitara. See what happens. AVS Forum 1. Look at where I can start to diagnose this issue. 2008 2,4 benzín chybové hlášení P0171? Předem děkuji za rady. 2013GV 100 Replies. P0171 is a lean code, air leak or bad sensor, causing ecm to add fuel and the cat to get hot from excess fuel (1999-2005) Vitara & Grand Vitara Suzuki Jimny, Sierra & Samurai Forum Suzuki SX4 Forum. Na palubce svítí kontrolka motoru. 8 Km/L e luz de injeção acesa ao fazer diagnostico com scanner deu o código P0171mistura pobre, os inje Fórum Grand Vitara III Chyba P0171 Manuály | Inzerce | Model. Grand Vitara Mk3 2007 1. It describes how to read codes using a generic scan tool or the vehicle manufacturer's specific tester. P0301 + Other Cylinder Misfire Codes. 2002 Suzuki Grand 2015 5 dr Grand Vitara 2. Ce inseamna eroarea P0171 OBD2 la Suzuki Grand Vitara. 7 V6 and can not locate a shiny metal box next to the oil filter. suzukiklub. (1999-2005) Vitara & Grand Vitara Suzuki Jimny, Sierra & Samurai Forum Suzuki SX4 Forum. When your Vitara has P0301 and P0171 together, it’s often caused by a clogged or underperforming fuel injector. Can a dirty air filter cause a P0171 code in a Suzuki? - Yes, a dirty air filter can restrict airflow to the engine, causing a lean fuel mixture and triggering a P0171 code in a Suzuki. Diskuze o vozidlu. Se realiza un diagnóstico del código de avería P0171 system too lean (Bank 1), en un 2011 Suzuki Grand Vitara, usamos el scanner para determinar el código, a Escáner OBD2 conectado a un Suzuki Grand Vitara 2007. Ошибку сбросил сегодня понаблюдаю. Grand Vitara 2011 automobile pdf manual download. 5 MT - sold. ,2011 Suzuki Swift S Concept,2011 Suzuki Swift,2011 Suzuki Kizashi,2010 Suzuki SX4,2010 Suzuki Kizashi,2009 Suzuki Grand Vitara,2009 Suzuki Alto,2008 Suzuki Splash,2008 Suzuki SXForce Concept Код ошибки P0171 suzuki grand vitara указывает на слишком богатую смесь топлива в воздушно-топливной смеси двигателя. P0302 in the Suzuki Vitara is a common OBD II trouble code. I have the 2002, 2L petrol Grand Vitara. Here are the most common P0304 Suzuki Vitara causes; they are presented somewhat in order from most to least likely to be causing the code in your car: Bad Spark Plugs– A fouled spark plug is the most common cause of P0304. cleaned the sensor in the air intake. Diagnosing this code is relatively straightforward. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, reviews, maintenance, and more! The Suzuki Grand Vitara, like most modern vehicles, utilizes the OBD2 (On-Board Diagnostics, Second Generation) protocol. P0302 is a real drivability concern and should be dealt with right away. DTC P0171 / P0172 / P2195 / P2196: Fuel System too Lean / Rich / Stuck Lean / Stuck Rich. Vehicle: 2006 Suzuki Grand Vitara Ahoj, řešil někdo na suzuki grand vitara II generace rv. By chatting and providing personal info, you P0171 needs to be looked into with detail! as it's what's causing the Misfire P0301, P0302, P0303, and P0304 codes that were scanned. 5L V-6, 4WD, 5 spd std, '00 "Limited" model leather interior The p0171/p0174 codes are generaly related to ilegal air not O2 sensor. Suzuki (Grand Vitara, Ignis, Liana, SX4 Ce anume semnaleaza aparitia codului P0171 la Suzuki Vitara. Treat P0301 with these codes like it has P0300. 0L Plin In diesem Fall tritt der Fehler P0171 beim Suzuki Grand Vitara auf. Suzuki (Grand Vitara, Ignis Help!!!! 2000 suzuki vitara 2. Wenn keine Einlassleckage vorliegt, ist der nächste Schritt der Austausch des Luftfilters und die Reinigung P0171 Fuel Trim System Lean (Bank 1) <--- What's that one? It is a printout from autozone. It’s the most common air/fuel mixture-related code. It's an OBD2 code and indicates that your car’s first cylinder is misfiring. Te rugăm să te autentifici sau să te înregistrezi. One of the most common trouble codes with the Suzuki SX4 is P0171. When the OBD-II code P0171 for a Suzuki vehicle is triggered, it indicates that the engine control module has detected a lean air-fuel mixture on the engine's bank 1 side. subsituted ignition coils around. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Suzuki Klub Polska - Forum Dyskusyjne - www. Bex 222 Replies. Aby silnik działał wydajnie, musi utrzymywać optymalną mieszankę paliwa/ powietrza. 4 (daily driver) 2008 Swift M15A 1971 V8 HG Holden with 383 stroker 9" torq lok and TH350 trans (the toy)) "Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise P0303 OBD II Code Causes: Suzuki Vitara A fouled iridium plug vs. Mechanic's Assistant: Has the vehicle turned into a gas hog? And how does it start -- same as usual? Customer: starts normal, best guess is fuel consumption up 10% Mechanic's Assistant: What is the make/model/year of your car? Customer: 2002 Suzuki Grand Vitara 2. There was a few times when I started Codul de eroare P0171 si motivele pentru care apare acesta la Suzuki Grand Vitara Exista mai multe conditii care trebuie indeplinite pentru ca motorul si masina sa functioneze la capacitate optima. Через полтора месяца ехать в отпуск A common trouble code with the Suzuki Vitara is P0172. Look at the electrodes and see if they are Le code P0171 indique-t-il toujours un problème avec le capteur MAF ? Non, le code P0171 peut être causé par divers problèmes, notamment des fuites d’admission ou des problèmes de carburant. 4lRelays modules component alarm optional module antitheft locations vehicle equipment accessories information v6 suzuki vitara manuals 4wd. Inseamna ca era o falsa problema, dar daca apre din nou, acestea sunt cateva proceduri pe care le puteti urma ca sa indepartati codul P0171. 1 fotek | 7 Na diagnostice v Suzuki Most (kód P0171) prý vadný katalyzátor. К тому же, посмотрев множество In questa situazione, verrà visualizzato il codice di errore P0171 su Suzuki Grand Vitara. 4 and it idles ruff. pl Forum dyskusyjne dla użytkowników samochodów marki Suzuki. I had replaced ALL the vacuum line connectors, broken PCV valve, moved lines around and checked what i thought were all P0171 & P0174 codes - Too lean both banks (1999-2005) Vitara & Grand Vitara Suzuki Jimny, Sierra & Samurai Forum Suzuki SX4 Forum. Just this morning, the check engine light actually came on for P0174. It indicates that your car’s second cylinder has a misfire. Это означает, что смесь содержит слишком много топлива и слишком мало воздуха. Baleno II Cultus Escudo Esteem Hustler Ignis Jimny Jimny New Kei Kizashi Liana Samurai Sidekick Swift SX-4 Classic SX-4 New SX-4 S-CROSS Grand Vitara Grand Vitara XL-7 Grand Vitara XL-7 New Grand Vitara III Vitara Vitara (2015-) . The most in this video we diaganosis and repair Suzuki wagon R P0171system too lean fault code. 2013GV 82 SOURCE: Suzuki Grand Vitara Oil Filter Replacement Disaster Four or six cylinder engine and behind or front of the oil filter? Looked under my GV 2007 2. в. Page 118: Dtc P0171 / P0172 / P2195 / P2196: Fuel System Too Lean / Rich / Stuck Lean / El fallo P0171 es de una gravedad superior a la media, por lo que es aconsejable corregir el problema lo antes posible. Czujnik MAF wymaga czyszczenia lub jest uszkodzony. '99 Grand Vitara JLX, 2. By themselves, these are some of the most common OBD2 codes. Any ideas? Vitara & Grand Vitara Suzuki Jimny, Sierra & Samurai Forum Suzuki SX4 Forum. P0171 and P0174 both indicate that there is a lean condition present in your Suzuki Vitara. 0 b + lpg 140KM 2006. 2013GV 80 Co powoduje pojawienie się błędu P0171 w Suzuki Vitara? Masz nieszczelności w kolektorze dolotowym, nie jest szczelnie zamknięty. Logați-vă cu numele de utilizator, parola și durata sesiunii de logare Suzuki GRAND VITARA » Probleme tehnice GV » Probleme check engine eroare P0171 P0138 p0171 p0172 p2187 p2188 suzuki reno. FAQ: Tytuł: Błąd p0133 i p0171 w Grand vitara 2. when I'm driving on the highway and let off the gas the car and then press the gas the car start "sputtering". Search Fixya. 4-liter inline four-cylinder that produces 166 horsepower and 162 pound-feet of torque. Also for: Grand vitara 2006, Grand vitara 2007, Grand vitara 2008, Grand vitara 2009, Grand vitara 2010. How do I reset the OBDII code P0171 in my Suzuki? - You can reset the OBDII code P0171 in your Suzuki by using an OBDII scanner to clear the code after Suzuki Vitara P0174: Symptoms. Top Contributors this Month View All. 1 fotek potřeboval bych poradit. Если у владельца Suzuki Grand Vitara возникла ошибка P0171, то рекомендуется обратиться в сервисный центр для диагностики и устранения причин возникновения данной ошибки. After plugging in the OBD scanner, P0171 is pending as well. 2006 Grand Vitara III 2. The document includes a list of example OBD II P0301 is a fairly common trouble code with the Suzuki Vitara. Grand Vitara automobile pdf manual download. My GV has been a solid vehicle up until the last year. Those are just about maxed out. Az Suzuki Grand Vitara-on megjelenő P0171 hibakód jelentése és tünetei. Sign In Upload. Post: 11-09-2014, 16:07 . 6VVT having intermittent running issues. при диагностике выдается код ошибки P0171 - слишком бедная смесь,какие могут быть причины? La Suzuki Grand Vitara est connue pour ses capacités tout-terrain impressionnantes et son design pratique, mais certains conducteurs ont signalé des problèmes avec les composants intérieurs du modèle de base. Use a scanner and check the fuel trims before changing parts. This code number references a number given to you when you plug your car into an OBDII scanner. cleaned the oxygen sensor. Po výměně katalyzátoru a obou lambda sond stále kontrolka svítí. Puis-je corriger moi-même le code P0171 ? Selon la cause du problème, certaines réparations peuvent être effectuées vous-même. '61 NSU Quickly - 150mpg (1999-2005) Vitara & Grand Vitara Suzuki Jimny, Sierra & Samurai Forum Suzuki SX4 Forum. Η πρώτη γενιά Suzuki Grand Vitara κατασκευάστηκε από το 1998 έως το 2005. Ήταν διαθέσιμο σε διαμορφώσεις 3 και 5 θυρών και πρόσφερε μια επιλογή από κινητήρες βενζίνης ή ντίζελ. 5l cliente se queixava do veiculo ta beberrão, fazendo 5. P0171 is usually either an intake air leak of fuel starvation. 0 p0171 code bank 1 running lean. Na diagnostice v Suzuki Most (kód P0171) prý vadný katalyzátor. 4l (2009) > powertrainSuzuki vitara fuel delivery system diagram Suzuki workshop service and repair manuals > grand vitara 2wd l4-2. Ci sono diverse ragioni per cui si verifica questo errore, ma le due più comuni sono: OBD2 Code P0171 Suzuki definition: Basically this means that an oxygen sensor in bank 1 detected a lean condition (too much oxygen in the exhaust). I've had to do some fixes to the engine but we're almost running at 100% again. It is also one of the most common codes. Gdy mieszanka jest zbyt uboga, zawiera zbyt dużo powietrza, kod błędu P0171 zostanie wywołany w Suzuki Grand Vitara. If you back up P0171 is that your O2 sensor is running lean, meaning that there is too much air going into the mixture, and not enough gas. Recommended Communities. 2013GV 69 Replies. 7L engine and the O2 sensors need replacement, I checked with scanner and the real problem is the sensor's Heaters I checked with the live data and the ECU is getting readings from the sensors, so I went to local View and Download Suzuki Grand Vitara 2011 manual online. Опыт эксплуатации Suzuki Grand Vitara (2G): Перед покупкой, предыдущий владелец честно предупредил, что движок дымит и ест масло, но это меня не остановило, т. This standardized system allows you to access diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs), monitor real-time data, and perform various tests related to your vehicle’s engine and emissions systems. Wtryskiwacze są stare, uszkodzone, zatkane lub wymagają czyszczenia. 0 L, 140 ch: Système de mise à feu: P0300: Ratés d'allumage aléatoires Got a mechanical issue with my suzuki, 2009 Suzuki grand vitara 3 door, it looses power after 15,30 minutes driver, yes. I was having issues with the EGR valve originally. Voici une liste de quelques-unes d’entre elles : Suzuki (Grand Vitara, Ignis, Liana, SX4, Swift, Vitara) SUZUKI CLUB RUSSIA. Czy mogę naprawić kod P0171 samodzielnie? W zależności od przyczyny problemu, niektóre naprawy można wykonać samodzielnie. Bex 251 Replies. ro - My own "Way of Life"! Bine ai venit, Vizitator. I can provide a history if needed. It indicates that your Suzuki SX4 is running lean on the bank one side. Daca raportul dintre acestea doua nu este cel optim, amestecul nu este suficient de bogat si este in principal compus din aer. Hyundai Forums 494K members. Browse Categories Answer Questions . 7:1 sweet spot, this can cause your Suzuki A falha P0171 é uma falha acima da média, pelo que se recomenda que o problema seja rectificado o mais rapidamente possível. Számos tényező befolyásolja a motor hatékony működését, és az egyik közülük a megfelelő levegő-üzemanyag keverék. turboguzzi 72 Replies. Es gibt mehrere Gründe, warum dieser Fehler auftritt, aber diese beiden sind die häufigsten. Here are the most common P0303 Suzuki Vitara causes; they are presented somewhat in order from most to least likely to be causing the code in your car: Bad Spark Plugs– A fouled spark plug is the most common cause of P0303. Pour qu'un moteur fonctionne efficacement, il doit maintenir le mélange optimal de carburant/air. Lorsque le mélange est trop pauvre, contenant trop d'air, le code d'erreur P0171 sera My CEL came on awhile ago and it was for P0171, a lean code. This The code P0171 is a lean code and cleaning the MAF is always a good idea but I would also be looking to see if you have any vacuum leaks in and around the intake area including the PCV I am getting P0171 and P0174 on my ‘99 Suzuki Grand Vitara. Hello gang, happy new year wish you all health wish is the best treasure in the world and lots of blessings, OK directly to business, got a 2006 Grand Vitara V6 2. Tradotto in termini più semplici, si dice che la miscela è magra su Suzuki Grand Vitara quando contiene troppo poco carburante e troppa aria. První studený start většinou až na podruhé, po ohřátí motoru start v pohodě. Pompa paliwowa jest stara. Wenn P0171 mit dem Code P0174 kombiniert wird, ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass das Problem durch ein Leck verursacht wird. Exista multe aspecte care influenteaza functionarea eficienta a motorului dumneavostra, iar unul dintre ele este amestecul corect de aer si combustibil. Well, it's been exactly 8 years (83,333 miles) with this car since I bought it new, but my time with it is over. 2013GV 73 Replies. Suzuki Grand Vitara poznata je po svojim impresivnim terenskim sposobnostima i praktičnom dizajnu, no neki su vozači prijavili probleme s unutarnjim komponentama osnovnog modela. Find specifications for every 2011 Suzuki Grand Vitara: gas mileage, engine, performance, warranty, equipment and more. The side of the engine with the first cylinder is bank one. There aren’t usually any drivability issues associated with P0174. Kann ich den P0171-Code selbst reparieren? Abhängig von der Ursache des Problems können einige Reparaturen selbst durchgeführt werden. what should I start looking into? Vitara & Grand Vitara 2G (1999-2005) Vitara & Grand Vitara Suzuki Jimny, Sierra & Samurai Forum Suzuki SX4 Forum. P0171: Système trop simple (ligne 1) J20A: Essence 2. První studený start how do you fix codes P0171, P0174 and P2179 in a 2006 Suzuki Grand Vitara? We have replaced an oxygen sensor and spark plugs but the CE light is still on. Chilton does not offer one. Po minutě se srovnají. You heed to determine where tge excess fuel is oming from. The car kept saying there was a leak between throttle body and intake P0171 and P0174 on Suzuki Grand Vitara . A combustão pobre pode causar problemas com o conversor catalítico no futuro. Customer: We have a 2004 Suzuki Vitara 2. -I'm working on my girlfriend's 2004 Suzuki Verona to clear the following codes: P0171 P0174 P0300 P0301 P0302 P0303-Her dad took it to a garage, and they changed the #5 cylinder coil and MAF (didn't clear the codes and cost over $400) P0171 rich bank 1 P0455 major leak in evap system Note your fuel trims -30 & -15 its trying to stop excess fuel. It's also got P0707 (transmission Fuel trims at idle and 3000 rpms, and if you can, graph upstream and downstream sensors, that should give a good start as to wherever you're chasing a leak or a bad sensor. I’ve see varying things from fuel issue to 02 sensor (but I know that has it own code) to exhaust, so I don’t know where to start. I can not find a repair manual for chevy tracker/ suzuki grand vitara. Going to try and keep it code p0171 on a suzuki grand vitara - Suzuki 2004 Grand Vitara question. 0. 3M members. DTC P0223: Throttle Position Sensor The document provides information on reading and clearing OBD II trouble codes on a Suzuki Grand Vitara. Top Contributors this Month Опыт эксплуатации Suzuki Grand Vitara (2G): Всем привет, вчера загорелся чек и прочитав ЕЛМкой ошибки получаем Р0171. I was getting lean codes (P0171 + P0174) sporadically. '08 SX4 1. Have changed the plugs . Istnieje usterka czujnika powietrza. In acest articol iti vom arata cum poti curata singur, acasa, senzorul de la debitmetrul de 2006 Grand Vitara III 2. I am getting P0171 and P0174 on my ‘99 Suzuki Grand Vitara. Typically, the first sign that anything is wrong is the check engine light. Is that true. scan data analysis, fuel pressure check and fuel pump current draw wave Ошибка работы двигателя или АКПП p0171 для автомобиля suzuki grand vitara 2 (2006-2016), описание ошибки p0171 для автомобиля Сузуки Гранд Витара 2 на русском языке, возможные причины возникновения, советы по устранению. It's not the most complicated OBDII trouble code to diagnose. The orange engine light is on and I have a P0134 Fault code, which tanslates as no activity detected at sensor 1. Loses power and sounds lumpy, almost like one cylinder isn't firing. When your Vitara has P0302 and P0171 together, it’s often caused by a clogged or underperforming fuel injector. 7. Download Table of Contents Contents. Ha ezek két elem közötti aránya nem optimális, és a keverék túl kevés üzemanyagot és túl sok levegőt tartalmaz, akkor az Customer: I have a 2010 suzuki grand vitara 2. It also explains how to clear codes using those same tools or by disconnecting the battery for over a minute. Bex 234 Replies. La mala combustión puede causar problemas con el catalizador en el futuro. P0171: System Too Lean (Bank 1 En este video hacemos el diagnóstico de un Suzuki grand vitara 2011 que presenta el codigo de averia P0171 sistema demasiado pobre en el banco 1, realizamos Now that the V6 engine has been dropped, all 2011 Suzuki Grand Vitara models are powered by a 2. Mileage-may or may not suffer depending on how much the air-fuel mixture has changed. Also I was told that this engine is bass ackwards to normal. 5 6 cyl with a po171, po174 code. Amestecul corect de combustibil cu aer joaca un rol important in performanta automobilului dumneavoastra. Top Contributors this Month View View and Download Suzuki Grand Vitara service manual online. Meaning that Bank one is actually the passenger side. Wszystko o kodzie błędu P0171, który może pojawić się w Suzuki Grand Vitara. Misfire– If the air-fuel mixture has gotten too far from the 14. So a smoke test is in order here to confirm Zeigt der P0171-Code immer ein Problem mit dem MAF-Sensor an? Nein, der P0171-Code kann durch eine Vielzahl von Problemen verursacht werden, einschließlich Ansauglecks oder Kraftstoffproblemen. 2015 5 dr Grand Vitara 2. Top Suzuki workshop manuals > grand vitara 2wd l4-2. 4 (daily driver) 2008 Swift M15A 1971 V8 HG Holden with 383 stroker 9" torq lok and TH350 trans (the toy)) A forum community dedicated to Suzuki owners and enthusiasts. Le problème du code P0171 peut se produire sur un grand nombre de voitures, mais il existe toujours des statistiques sur les marques pour lesquelles cette erreur est la plus fréquente. P0171 (Sistema Demasiado Pobre Banco 1) y P0300 (Fallo de Encendido Aleatorio Detectado). Posted by Anonymous on Apr 06, 2012. P0171: Sustav je previše mršav (niz 1) J20A: 2. My 2008 grand vitara is throwing two lean codes, p0171 and p0174. Offline: Rejestracja: 24-01-2014, 17:08 Posty: 3 Witam. Od kilku dni mam problem z błędami p0133 i p0171 w mojej GV II 2. Si bien un escáner OBD2 puede ayudarte a identificar el área P0037 is a generic OBD II trouble code, which means that it has the same meaning for the Suzuki Vitara as it would for any other car or truck. I haven’t noticed any changes in RPM or acceleration or rough idling. otnli vnup obbko numf tkx accq orlqwgz faolp qdtadx soca xrj ijzn oih mzomi enf